It is a known fact, that Solar System still has many secrets to uncover. At present such a mystery has been revealed, scientists are puzzled after getting the first close look of Jupiter's surface. It is now proven that what they thought for so long and what they saw was totally wrong.

Recently, the new result from NASA's Juno shows how the Jupiter actually works. The assumptions of scientist were completely wrong after looking at the Jupiter's surface for the first time. Now they have figured out that the Jupiter's surface works differently from their prediction.

According to researchers, Jupiter's poles are covered by cyclones and anticyclones storms. Some of them are half in size of the Earth or bigger than Earth, Phys.Org reported. It is very difficult to understand that how it could be formed and stable in that configuration.

Currently, the North Pole does not look like the South Pole. Now the scientists are really questioning whether this is a dynamic system or they are watching the one stage and may be in next year it will disappear. However, these cyclones storms are circulating around each other.

Basically, Juno is mapping the Jupiter's gravitational and magnetic fields to better understand the planet's interior structure. It also measures the core structure of Jupiter. Scientists said the magnitude of the observed magnetic field was 7.766 Gauss which is significantly stronger than expected, Digital Trends reported.

But surprisingly, they also found the dramatic spatial variation in the field, which was significantly higher than expected in some locations and markedly lower in others. Furthermore, the surface of Jupiter is very lumpy that indicates the magnetic field is generated by the dynamo that much closer to the surface.

Juno is the second mission developed under NASA's New Frontiers Program and it's the first time that scientists have gone into a polar orbit. However, the first mission was the SwRI-led the New Horizon mission, which provided the first historic look at the Pluto system in July 2015. Finally, the Juno spacecraft has been in orbit around Jupiter since 2016 and passing within 3,000 miles of the equatorial cloud tops.