Recently, many people celebrated an imaginary holiday called "Unicorn Day" on April 9, 2017, which made unicorns a "trend" on Twitter. Excitement overwhelmed the nation as the people celebrate the sparkliest day of the year with a cheerful clickety-clack of magical hooves.

As people know, unicorns are cute and adorable horse-like fictional creatures which are commonly seen in cartoons. It is described as a white beast with blue eyes that has a large, pointed, spiraling colorful horn coming from its forehead.

According to Yahoo News, even though they do not exist, Scotland's officials made it as a national animal which they said that it first appeared in the 12th century on an early form of the Scottish coat of arms. The unicorns also "appeared" in tapestries and designs of historic buildings across the country.

But little do people know about the animal called narwhal is also known as the "unicorns of the sea". It is a certain type of whale that has a tusk like a unicorn. The only thing that differs between narwhals and unicorns are the fact that they really exist.

Narwhals are usually found in the waters of Canada, Greenland, Norway and Russia. Per World Wild Life, some narwhals have two tusks which are commonly found in males, while others have none. Their task is an enlarged tooth with a sensory capability that can grow to more than nine feet long with up to 10 million or more nerve endings inside.

 Likewise, narwhals can dive a mile-and-a-half deep in the ocean in search of food. Their main diet includes Artic and polar cod, shrimp, squid and Greenland halibut.

Manmade pollutions such as industrialism, oil and gas spills, and climate change pose a threat to narwhals. Underwater noise from shipping vessels that interfere their whale communication, as well as shipping collisions incidents, are increasing each year. In response to these dangers to whales, organizations such as the WWF are raising awareness to the public to address these issues.

Nevertheless, a post from Twitter saying, "If narwhals are the 'unicorns of the sea', then rhinos are 'chubby unicorns' and there's still a lot more horned creatures' worth mentioning". Because after all spear-headed animals already exist in real life and that makes the unicorn out of the picture.