Sinuses are cavities that produce mucus to provide moisture to the nasal passages. Sinus surgery, on the other hand, is performed on persons suffering from a recurrent sinus infection, abnormal sinus structure or abnormal growth in the sinus.

According to Medical News Today, sinus surgery may include removal of; thin pieces of bones, mucous membranes, nasal polyps, swollen or damaged tissue. There are different types of sinus surgery which includes; image-guided surgery and Caldwell-Luc operation.

The recovery period may vary depending on the type of surgery performed and other factors such as underlying diseases, age, immunity, and body resistance. Most individuals are discharged on the same day the surgery was performed.

Depending on the extent of sinus surgery, a prescription of analgesic or pain relievers is given. After the operation, the person may experience mild discomfort, fatigue, nasal congestion, and small amounts of bleeding. To prevent infection and inflammation physicians also prescribe saline rinses, steroids, and antibiotics.

Medicinenet reported the risk and complications of sinus surgery. The complication includes; failure to resolve sinus infection or recurrence of sinus problems or polyps, bleeding, chronic nasal drainage, and excessive dryness or crusting of the nose. Since surgery is not a cure for food allergy, there is still a need for evaluation, treatments, and environmental controls of allergy.

The patient, right after the sinus surgery should notify their physicians regarding post-surgery complications. These include a sudden increase in nose bleeding that cannot be relieved by pressure, ice, and head elevation. A fever greater than 101.5 F or 38.6 C despite an increase in fluid intake or after taking acetaminophen should also be reported.

Furthermore, the patient should also consult the doctor with these additional complications brought by sinus surgery. Persistent sharp pain or a headache which is not relieved by pain medications increased swelling or redness of nose and eyes, lastly, drainage of large quantities of thin and clear fluid from one side of the nose.

It is also necessary for all patients to consider chronic sinus disease as a chronic illness. Successful sinus surgery only helps in the relief of the symptoms and discomfort brought by chronic sinus disease. The following patient self-care should always be performed; maximize moisture, avoid allergy particles (allergens), and prevent colds.