DNA is the widely discussed topic worldwide but the main work is done by proteins. There is a new discovery regarding dinosaur proteins which has given grub to the central issues about everything from evolution to biomaterials to extra-terrestrial life. Extracting proteins is now possible which are encoded by DNA and play out the majority of the functions that keep living cells alive from 80-million-year-old dinosaur bones.

An annual meeting called as Experimental biology 2017 meeting will be held in Chicago on 22-26 April at the American Association of Anatomists. According to Phys.org, Mary Schweitzer, Ph.D., professor of science at North Carolina State University, will show her work on refining techniques to extricate and dependably utilize dinosaur proteins at the meeting.

Schweitzer said, "When you think about it, it is the message of DNA-the proteins that are actually the stuff on which natural selection works. The sequences of proteins can be used to generate 'family trees' of organisms, just like DNA. But modifications to proteins, which are not found in DNA and can't be reliably predicted from DNA sequence alone, can tell us how a protein functioned because the function of a protein is determined by its 3-D structure." With this theory, the research on dinosaur proteins has been done.

Since Schweitzer and her associates have exhibited many times that proteins can be separated from dinosaur bones for obtaining dinosaur proteins, Schweitzer is concentrating on new research now. Science Daily reported that she is turning her research toward refining techniques for concentrate these old proteins so that scientists can get more data with less harm to examples.

Mass spectrometry, integral to Schweitzer team's strategies, is time-concentrated and fundamentally annihilates the sample, so Schweitzer's team is now attempting to manufacture a database of techniques and criteria that different analysts may utilize to get as much data as they can from different fossils and advance the utilization of mass spectrometry when it is genuinely beneficial. With the help of dinosaur proteins, scientists will have an idea that what was the type of life in the era of dinosaurs.