The closest thing to relate with this discovery is in the movie "Minority Report and Iron Man". The scenes where they pull out images from the air using special gloves that seem to emit photo images floating in thin air. The scene is still science fiction concept that got the attention of scientists and researchers to create something of a monitor plucked from empty space by optically controlling electronics.

Scientists think that through the photodielectric discovery, it is possible to do the things done in those movies. A report from a research team in Japan in the journal of Applied Physics Letters of a phenomenal discovery of the photodielectric effect states that this discovery could usher to laser controlled touch displays.

The definition of Photodielectric effect is the effect, present in certain phosphors, of a transformation of the dielectric constant of an illuminated material. Phosphors are substances that display the wonders of luminescence.

The development of a number of circuit parts like the photoresistors, photodiodes, phototransistors had been enhanced from their conventional functions and design. A photo capacitor is still in the process of development. According to Hiroki Taniguchi of the University of Nagoya, Japan, the photo capacitor is responsible for operating electronics with the use of light, reports Physics.Org.

Capacitors are present in all kinds of electronic components. Two parallel conducting plates compose a capacitor separated by an electrically conducting material such as air, glass or ceramic called a dielectric. Voltage transmission across the plates builds up to equal opposing charges on both plates.

Permittivity is the use of light to increase a property of the capacitors. Professor Taniguchi and his team are aiming to create light-controlled capacitors. Various materials had been tested to achieve the photodielectric effect. But most tests rely on photoconductance where the use of light increases the material's conductivity. The higher the conductivity, the higher the dielectric permittivity.

Professor Taniguchi and his colleagues found a most natural material that demonstrates the existence of the Photodielectric effect in Ceramic. This material remained a good insulator on trials, reports Science Daily.

More research and experiments will be needed after we see a light controlled screen processing on thin air. Further studies for the enhancement of the effect of minimizing energy dissipation is also essential. Perhaps new materials to be tested as well.