Everything in the human body is made up of cells, from the hair, fingertips to muscles and blood a lot of medical professionals are using different types of ways to discover how it grows in the body. However, recently researchers discovered that with the use of a mathematical tool called topology can give rise to identify how stem cells can be specialized cells.

According to Math World, a mathematical tool called topology is the study of geometrical properties wherein it is unaffected by the continuous change of shape or size of figures. Hence, the research team from the University of Columbia Medical Center saw this as a possible way to analyze the sequence of RNA - vital as DNA, it also converts DNA into protein - from a batch of cells.

On that account, from this mathematical tool called topology, researchers developed single-cell RNA sequencing considering that there are various states of cells development. However, according to scientists, this type of study might limit the possible result due to the complexity involved in a cellular movement, said Dr. Abbas Rizvi, the scientist from the Columbia University and an author of the research paper, Phys.Org reported.

In connection with this mathematical tool called topology, researchers used this one to identify the connection between genes and cells, which are in different cellular development. Also, through this study, the team was able to develop an algorithm that analyzes the sequence of RNA called single-cell topological data analysis (scTDA).

On top of this, the research team was able to successfully use this mathematical tool called topology to map how stem cells become a specialized neuron cell in the human body. The good thing with this scTDA it mapped the evolution and at the same time, it was used to identify the proteins, which said to lead a cell in the path.