The latest discovery of a rare tooth of horned dinosaur who believes in showing two halves of areas. The rare tooth is said to explain another version of the Earth's history.

Science Daily reported that through a chance discovery of a rare tooth in Mississippi, an animal who belongs to a kind of horned dinosaur Triceratops was revealed. The animal is said to live between 68 to 66 million years ago based on the rocks where it was found.

According to Mail Online, before, horned dinosaurs were only found in Asia and North America. However, the new fossil that is a rare tooth with the size of a coin was found in Eastern North America. The tooth which is just the size of a coin tells that there had been a bridge between the two sides.

Co-author of the study Andrew Farke, a paleontologist at the Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology at The Webb Schools in Claremont, California said that though the rare tooth fossil is just so small, it packs tons of information. "The shape of this rare tooth has a distinctive split root that is absolutely unique among other dinosaurs," Farke said.

Due to curiosity, the researchers posted the picture of the rare tooth on Facebook and to their surprise, in just a few minutes someone has identified the rare tooth. The researchers believe that the little tooth is enough to tell a horned dinosaur very similar to Triceratops. The animal proved that it had made itself reach the Eastern North America which changes the previous belief that that kind of dinosaur was only to be found in Asia and North America.

A seaway is said to have split the continent into Western and Eastern halves and an unknown location of a land connection allowed the Triceratops to head east. "I was excited because I knew what I have found was a rare tooth of a dinosaur, much more is that dinosaur fossils are rare discoveries in the Mississippi River, "Dr. George Phillips said.