15,000-year-old artifacts were reported to be discovered in Northern Peru. The discovery on site was mentioned to be the site’s second as the first excavation was conducted by late archeologist Junius B. Bird back in the late 1940s.

According to Peru This Week, team of scientists from Florida Atlantic University´s Harbor Branch discovered 15,000-year-old artifacts in the ancient temple of Huaca Prieta. Huaca Prieta was then identified to have existed since 3500 and 1800 B.C.

With that said, the discovered artifacts were said to uncover that society was much more complex and complicated than people believe it to be. Early human lives were also believed to be more advanced contrary to the people’s belief nowadays. The discovery was also mentioned to successfully prove that development at the Pacific coast booms faster compared in the high mountains of Peru.

Phys Org then reported that some of the artifacts discovered in the temple were food remains, stone tools, ornate baskets, and textiles. James M. Adocisio, Ph.D. then stated that what they had found out indeed makes them scratch their head as they think about how high the levels of human knowledge were back then.

"Like so many of the materials that were excavated, even the baskets reflect a level of complexity that signals a more sophisticated society as well as the desire for and a means for showing social stature. All of these things together tell us that these early humans were engaged in very complicated social relationships with each other and that these fancy objects all bespeak that kind of social messaging," Adocisio explained.

Adovasio also noted that aside from the aforementioned revealed artifacts, tools for deep-sea fish like herrings were discovered as well. The aquatic tools for fishing then made archeologists assess the diversity of fishing back in the times. Another discovery that triggered their curiosity were the extensive collection of basket remnants made from diverse materials.

Rest assured, the whole discovery of the 15,000-year-old remnants would be published in a book by the University of Texas Pres later this summer. Lead researcher Tom D. Dillehay, Ph.D., principal investigator and an anthropologist from Vanderbilt University along with Adovasio was said to go back to Peru to delve into the mysteries of the artifacts further.