A groundbreaking study has been achieved in a recent research of the HDL cholesterol. The researchers have found an innovative way to test the HDL function for improving diagnosis and treatment of the heart disease.

This research on HDL function has been published in the Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine with the title "Cholesterol Uptake Capacity: A New Measure of HDL Functionality for Coronary Risk Assessment." This research was conducted by a team of Japanese researchers with two lead researchers are Ryuji Toh, MD, Ph.D., from Kobe University and Amane Harada, PhD., from Sysmex Corporation.

The Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine is an international peer review journal from the American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC), which delivers the applied research in the clinical laboratory science. The AACC's journal aims to drive innovation in healthcare, including with this new clinical research from HDL function.

According to the official release from the AACC, this new research of HDL function will transform the way healthcare service predict the risk of heart disease. In the research, scientists are able to measure the effectiveness of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol or HDL-C in the patient to cleanse the arterial cholesterol.

HDL is known as good cholesterol, but scientists have not yet understood completely HDL function in the human body as the protection against heart disease. This study explains in detail about the function that is known as cholesterol efflux capacity, the ability of HDL to mediate the removal of cholesterol from the walls of the blood vessel.

The research has found that the effectiveness of HDL function is determined by its ability to cleanse the cholesterol from the blood vessel wall, more than a high level of the HDL-C. Patients with a lower level of HDL-C, but has an optimal level of cholesterol efflux capacity will be able to be protected against heart disease. Watch the explanation of the HDL and LDL cholesterol in the following video: