Ramadan is known to be the celebration of Muslims around the world through fasting, introspection and prayer. Muslims may not eat and drink from sunrise to sunset. However, as the end of the fasting come up, experts unveil the best tips to retain the body’s health amid having one month of fasting.

According to India, Ramadan is celebrated to commemorate the first revelations that made up the Quran, which was received by the prophet Mohammed. Fasting for Muslims also known as Sawm was identified to be one of the Five Pillars of Islam. The Ramadan was mentioned to end at the end of the month in an event called Id-al-Fitr.

More so, nutrition experts say that after a one-month fasting, one must take eating again with regard to their health. The first tip to help the body to recover is to eat slowly and don’t hurry since people tend to eat immediately the foods that they had missed when they were fasting. The second is to avoid eating heavy foods after breaking fast. The third is that people should eat dry fruits, nuts, yogurt, cheese and dates because it gives people nourishments and energy for the day.

Aside from that, eating and indulging in too much food is strongly discouraged by experts. The fourth instruction is that people should make sure to take necessary liquids to stay hydrated. Meanwhile, the last tip is that gastrointestinal problems were mentioned to be avoided through taking small portions as well.

Speaking of fasting, The Star reported that Hospital Tuanku Jaafar Seremban senior dietitian Dr. Basmawati Baharom explained some of the health benefits of fasting. “When breaking fast, one must ensure that the body does not go into shock, so start your buka puasa with something natural and sweet, like dates and fruits, and make it a slow and steady intake. Do not take food in a hurry,” Baharom explained.

Baharom said that a one-month fasting could enable people to quit their addictive habits. She also noted that Malaysians sometimes do fasting that does some disadvantage in their body. Nonetheless, people should be mindful of their health as they break their fast every end of Ramadan.