IRAN -- Tehran University of Medical Science spearheaded the research that looks into the effects of drinking hot tea. The results of the study were published in the International Journal of Cancer. The study covered 50,045 individuals between the age range of 40 through 75. The study was started in 2004 and lasted until 2017. During this time, there were 317 new cases of people suffering from esophageal cancer.

Drinking roughly 700 milliliters of tea per day at a 60 degree or greater temperature was identified as the main reason why the patients were exposed to a 90 percent chance of developing esophageal cancer. Although this seems to be lower than the expected estimation provided by the World Health Organization, the facts show how regular drinking of hot tea could cause damages as much as it is believed to do good.

"Many people enjoy drinking hot tea, coffee or any other hot beverages in hopes that it could help them burn the calories they just ingested," said Dr. Farhad Islami, the lead author of the study conducted by the American Cancer Society. "People don't even know that regular drinking of such types of drinks could be potentially harmful to them and their overall health. The goal was always to burn the calories and lose the extra pounds."

However, studies show that drinking tea that is too hot could cause scarring in the esophagus. It increases the patient's risk of developing a type of cancer in the esophagus. "Although it is not a must that you eliminate the drinking of hot tea or any other hot beverages from your diet, it is a must that you wait until it is a little cold before you start drinking," Dr. Islami added.

In February 2018, a research study conducted by Chinese researchers found that the regular drinking of hot tea could multiply the risks by as much as five times. However, the findings only apply to those who are also smoking and/ or drinking alcohol on a regular basis. A combination of such bad habits could mean serious damages to the body.

He emphasized that the risks of developing esophageal cancer can be caused by any number of things, including one's medical background and family history. Their diet also plays a huge role in acquiring such disease. With caution, drinking hot tea, hot coffee or any other hot drink shouldn't be a cause of any health risk at all. Doctors recommend that it to be drank a little cooler to avoid the damage that the hot drink could cause not only on the esophagus but to the rest of the stomach wall as well.

Sadly, it is only when it becomes too late for a repair that patients realize they have esophageal cancer. Would you wait for it to get worse? Or wouldn't it be better to drink the hot tea when it's not steaming hot? It might be more comforting or healthier when it's a bit too cold.