Global Warming is no doubt on top of the list of issues that the world is facing today. It is not a problem of first world countries or people from third world countries. It doesn't matter what you do or who you are, global warming affects you and the future you are looking forward to.

It is the kind of problem that keeps everyone awake at night. It's a meta-problem that gives birth to other bigger problems like the rise in the ocean levels, conflict, poverty, civil war and the depletion of natural resources. All of these could be born out of the problem in global warming. The list goes on and on.

Despite the urgency put on projects that put forward the decrease in the effects of global warming, the problem in the increase of the presence of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere seems to be steady. The lack of understanding, as well as the lack of workable technologies and the continued practice of the dangerous use of fossil fuel to power industries, is putting the world in a much deeper pit.

However, in the 2018 TED Talks, the younger generation is putting in some clues as to the numerous ways they could put an end to one of the world's biggest problems. "The climate problem has been solved. We have facts and technology. All that people need to do is to wake up and make that change," said Greta Thunberg, a Nobel Prize nominee.

Her decisive and informed rhetoric has become the bold speech that reached out to a lot of global leaders. It was fueled by the campaign on social media called #FridaysForFuture. This campaign was orchestrated by students from all over the world. On March 15, 2019, more than 1 million youth people have gone to the streets in 2052 locations in more than 120 countries.

While they may be marching on the streets for the change that they want, the debates continue as they decide on which technology to pursue. They wanted to put a halt to the rising temperatures that are causing the ice in the Arctic circle to melt which then leads to the rise in the sea levels. The problem of climate change is real but the solution is also made available. The problem is not really the economy or technology. It is really more on the lack of leadership to make the move further and faster

The younger generation is taking this fight against climate change in their own hands. All they are looking for is willful leadership that is determined to make a move. A plethora of solutions is available to take people for the move from point A to point B to help reduce the burning of fossil fuels without sacrificing people's need for electricity.

There are better options. All those people need is to decide to choose what they want to do with the technology. With great will and perseverance, people can put a permanent end to this global warming problem. And the Earth will become a better planet for everyone.