NASA - Along with other space groups in the world, NASA will be wanting to take its manned missions in space to a whole new level. Each time, they want to launch something, they have a goal in mind and one of which is to equip people with more knowledge as to the things around us and how they survive. NASA would want to explore our solar system and go to places man has never seen before. This could mean long stretches of journeys for astronauts and this could lead to problems if they only know what they know now.

Luckily, the existence of the International Space Station (ISS) has helped man discover what low gravity can do to the human body. But NASA doesn't want to stop learning. To that end, the scientists of agency has been looking into how low gravity also affects other species and their focus now is on mice. The result? They are very interesting, if not humorous.

NASA explains in its latest blog post that their scientists sent out mice while inside a special mouse habitat module to the ISS. They have sent out mice and other small, furry rodents. The enclosure comes with a satellite camera that allows scientists to make an observation remotely. And now, these videos are made available to people to see online.

In the beginning, you'll notice that the mice felt uncomfortable at first. They flop while drifting into the small confines of the cage, trying their best to figure out which way was going up. But they ran out of luck. However, it didn't take long before the mice were able to realize what was happening. Their immediate adaptation to the new environment is simply remarkable. In fact, in the latter part of the video, the mice seem to take advantage of the lack of gravity to help pull themselves up.

This is when all the fun begins. On the 11th day of observation, the mice are showing signs of adjustment with the lack of gravity. In fact, they seem to be enjoying the whole situation. Several mice could be seen running laps against the cage walls looking like little hamsters on a wheel.

NASA researchers sent out the mice in space to see if they would be likely to do the same things that they usually do while on earth. The study showed that it seems like they pretty much kept their usual routine except they were doing it in space. In fact, they were also observed to be eating and self-grooming when they feel the need to.

Researches as such can help NASA scientists better prepare for the missions they are to have in space in the future. Whether they decide to go to Mars or any other planet in space, it would be easier for them to tell the biological as well as the behavioral changes that one may undergo while exposed in an environment with little to no gravity.

What seems like it is that it also produces interesting yet amazing videos.