Hollywood has finally found a replacement actor for The Joker after Heath Ledger's tragic death due in large part to his commitment to the role. And just who is this new actor? Sources are claiming that Jared Leto will take up the role of Joker in the DC Comic film Suicide Squad which is expected to be released on August 5th 2016.

Jared Leto is known for his numerous appearances in films and documentaries, many of which gained significant amounts of popularity. The most recent example was Dallas Buyers Club, where he played the role of a transgendered individual and which earned him the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. He was also an Oscars award winner last year.

The announcement that Jared Leto would take up the role of The Joker in the Suicide Squad was accepted by many as he is an actor who is promising and appears to be a presentable choice to carry the flame lit by Heath Ledger.

Jared Leto has come out as a dedicated and committed person in the roles that he has taken for he is known to decline other roles when he already has much on his plate and really immerse himself in what he does..

Ask around what people love about Jared and a surprising amount will tell you that they would pay a dime just to hold and play with his locks. Locks that have been grown since 2012 and which are neatly kept. But what if you heard that the locks are no more? During the Academy awards party, Jared confirmed that he was cutting his long locks for his new role. This was a shocker to his most fans especially those who loved him for his hair.

Jared Leto has also expressed his interest in gaining weight and he even went to the extent of gorging during a discussion session he had with Hollywood reporter. We look forward to watching the Suicide Squad and anticipate a performance from Leto worthy of water cooler banter.