Experts say masks are most effective when everyone in the room is wearing one. Because a substantial majority of an infected person's inhaled infectious particles are contained when they wear a mask, viral transmission is halted at the source. When fewer virus particles are floating around, the masks worn by others are more likely to stop those that have escaped.

However, there is ample evidence that masks protect the wearer even when those around them are not wearing them. The degree of protection provided is determined by the mask's quality and how well it fits. Several workers and a visitor who tested positive for the coronavirus were wearing only face shields (no masks) during a hotel epidemic in Switzerland, Business Insider said. Those who wore masks during that incident were not sick. Vanderbilt School of Medicine also revealed that towns that enforced masks had lower hospitalization rates than those not.

Wearing Mask Can Decrease Possible Exposure vs. COVID-19

A mask protects the person wearing it, according to several laboratory studies. However, the amount of protection varies on the type of mask, the material it's constructed of, the experimental setting, and how particle exposure was evaluated.

However, the bottom line of all research is that wearing a mask decreases possible exposure. Here are some of the results.

(Photo: CDC / Pexels)

ALSO READ: The Safest Face Masks to Use for You and Your Family

Wearing Ordinary Surgical Mask Using Knot And Tuck Approach

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said a conventional surgical mask shielded the wearer from only 7.5 percent of the particles produced by simulated cough. Knotting the loops and tucking in the sides of the surgical mask, on the other hand, cut exposure in half. To see the "knot and tuck" approach, see the video embedded below. Double masking, which involves covering the surgical mask with a cotton mask, decreased exposure to the simulated cough particles by 83 percent.

Cloth Mask + Filter Surgical Mask Combination

Virginia Tech examined how handmade masks, surgical masks, and face shields protected the wearer based on particle size. According to them, most masks can prevent very big particles, such as those produced by sneezing. When the researchers looked at the smallest aerosol particles, the most difficult to block, protection ranged from almost zero with a face shield to around 30% with a surgical mask. Because the testing procedures were different, the percentages in the research can't be directly compared to the CDC knot-and-tuck study. Researchers concluded that a two-layer cloth mask made of flexible, tightly woven fabric combined with a coffee filter or surgical mask could provide adequate protection. Doing such could trap 90% or more of the larger particles and reduce 70% of the most penetrating particles. Experts also discovered that head straps or ties were more comfortable than ear loops.

Wearing Surgical Mask vs. Loose-Fitting N95 vs. Fit N95

The effectiveness of various types of masks in protecting the wearer from real coronavirus particles was evaluated in "Effectiveness of Face Masks in Preventing Airborne Transmission of SARS-CoV-2." According to the study, even a basic cotton mask protected the wearer (17 to 27 percent). A surgical mask (47 to 50 percent protection), a loose-fitting N95 (57 to 86 percent protection), and a securely sealed N95 all performed better (79 to 90 percent protection).

Cloth Mask Vs. Surgical Mask Vs. N95 Mask

While many lab research uses mannequin heads to evaluate masks, the 2008 study, "Professional and Home-Made Face Masks Reduce Exposure to Respiratory Infections among the General Population," used actual people to see how masks protect against respiratory viruses. The study participants donned various masks with unique sensors on both sides that could monitor particle concentration. Cloth masks decreased exposure by 60%, surgical masks by 76 percent, and N95 masks by 100% in this research.

Wearing A Mask Can Protect You From COVID-19

While all of the lab studies demonstrate that a mask can protect the wearer, how well the function of the mask in the real world is dependent on a variety of factors. These include how frequently individuals use them, whether they are in high-risk settings, and the community's infection rate.

Laboratory tests revealed that a high-quality medical mask, such as an N95, KN95, or KF94, is the most effective. While vaccination is the best defense against Covid-19, even those who have been vaccinated are recommended to avoid gatherings or big groups inside if the immunization status of others is unknown. Because the Delta version is considerably more contagious than other variations, experts advised wearing the best mask you can get when you couldn't keep your distance or are outside - or when no one else is masking up.

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