We all now (well, most of us anyway) that infants are prescribed some vaccines in order to protect them from different diseases. There are a lot of vaccines that needs to be given in order to avoid the development of different problems in your kid. When someone asks for the delay in vaccination, the risk of a child increases.

Despite knowing the increased danger, people mostly ask the doctors to delay this activity. According to Pediatrics, people were often more concerned with their children's immediate problems and were therefore susceptible to neglecting vaccination. A survey was placed on a national basis and it involved 534 doctors. These doctors reported that the parents who come with a child aged 2 years or younger often asked if the vaccine can be delayed. This problem was faced by about 93% of the doctors who were involved. Among them, one-fifth reported another interesting thing: that the 10% or more of the parents asked to delay even when the experts developed a plan!

This survey was made as a result of the outbreak of measles. This was originated because of the unvaccinated people who went to the Disneyland in December in the South California. This resulted in serious cases and they were numbered to 170 as reported by CDC. There were 170 cases in 17 different states and the Columbia district since the start of this year.

Whatever the reason is but the vaccinations should not be delayed. In order to protect your child from different problems, you must work on and look forward to the future of your child. Visit the doctors at regular intervals for your child's examination. Remember, a healthy life of a child leads to his or her healthy future.