Choosing a Managed Cloud Service Provider Needs Careful Consideration
(Photo : Maranda Vandegriff via Unsplash)

As technology advances at its present level, it becomes more and more valuable and demanding. Although organizations are becoming more sophisticated, they still need the use of technological tools in order to remain competitive and expand. Surveys show that 85 percent of small and medium-sized companies (SMB) believe technology is essential for success.

Managed cloud services are becoming more popular for businesses to satisfy their particular IT needs. All-encompassing IT outsourcing has grown into a single service provider covering all aspects of your IT infrastructure. In order to sustain both technical and business success, IT alliances are essential. Choosing a managed cloud service provider is the big question.

Your company's demands and assessment criteria will be innovative when it comes to choosing a cloud provider. There are, nevertheless, a few points to ponder in every evaluation of a service provider.

Some key considerations have been put together to assist you in evaluating vendors and picking the cloud service provider that best meets your organization's needs.

Cloud Security

Identifying your security objectives, as well as the safeguards provided by each provider's security measures and the procedures they employ to maintain your apps and data, is essential. In addition, make sure you know exactly what each party is accountable for in each area.

In addition, think about which vendors you're investigating provide free security measures out-of-the-box, which extra premium services the providers themselves offer, and where you might have to supplement with third-party partners' technological capabilities. With AWS and Google Cloud, this procedure is streamlined by displaying the security features, premium goods, and third-party interfaces on their respective websites' privacy sections;

Security is a major worry in the cloud, so it's vital to ask specific and extensive questions about your specific needs, the industry, legal regulations, and any other considerations you may have. Make sure you don't skip over this crucial aspect of working in the cloud.

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Ask about the availability of the managed cloud services provider both on and off-site. It's crucial to have site visits if you need frequent consultations and hands-on help. Regardless, an MSP should be accessible around the clock, seven days a week. Even if they are on-site often, they must provide 24-hour IT monitoring.

Security breaches and key systems failure may be detected early if constantly monitored. Such problems may be simply remedied if they are discovered early enough.

Qualifications and Technical Expertise

Manage service providers may specialize in a variety of fields and have varying degrees of training and experience. Don't be fooled by flashy front-cover marketing tactics; instead, focus on the MSP's real-world value to your organization. Licenses, accreditation, and certification are important indications of an MSP's skills and degree of competence in their particular industry.

Microsoft, for example, offers MSPs with Silver and Gold partnership certifications based on their performance. It is a Microsoft Gold Partner, with 13 Gold competencies, two Silver competencies and six Advanced Specializations. Microsoft-based corporate solutions have shown our expertise and knowledge.

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You should also spend some time figuring out what responsibilities you will have to handle across multiple cloud platforms. Each of these services is compatible with a wide range of orchestration tools and third-party services. Cloud service providers should be able to easily interact with your business's most important applications. Preliminary research should reveal how much time and effort your team will use different managing components of the cloud architecture.


When it comes to choosing a cloud service provider, it's impossible to avoid the reality that cost will play a significant part in the decision-making process. There are no comparable price packages offered by any two cloud service providers. It is almost hard to make a side-by-side comparison of cloud computing prices amongst various suppliers. What you need to do is thoroughly analyze your organization's demands and then choose a pricing strategy that best meets those needs.

Service Levels

This consideration is vital when a company has strong requirements for availability, reaction speed, capacity, and support. An essential consideration in the selection of a cloud service provider is the availability of cloud service level agreements (SLAs). If you're a cloud service user, it's essential that you and your provider have a legally binding contract in place. In light of the GDPR laws, cloud service providers should pay special attention to regulatory requirements for the protection of data stored in the cloud. If anything goes wrong, you need to know you can rely on your cloud provider and have a legal agreement backing you up.


Before making a selection on a managed cloud service provider, it is critical to do thorough research and due diligence. Establishing a long-term collaboration with a partner that provides value to your organization is much easier if you follow the abovementioned steps.