How To Design A Compelling Sales Pitch That Wins Customer Trust
(Photo : Aiko de Guzman)

Upselling to a current customer base is the lifeblood of most businesses. After all, it's cheaper to sell to old clients than to get new ones. And it's easier to sell something to them since they already have a business relationship with you.

However, while it does seem easy on paper, you still need to have a compelling sales pitch that can win your customers' trust. If you're struggling to create one, follow this simple guide:

1. Create a customer profile

No one pitch will work on everybody. However, you can make one that'll work on a group of people. And for you to create that sales pitch, it's crucial that you identify or create a profile of your targets first.

First, you can pull all the data you collected from them. Determine your customer's average age, income, location, purchasing habits, etc. Take note of this information while you write the sales pitch designed for them.

2. Focus on getting your target's attention

Depending on your customer profile, getting their attention can vary. For example, business owners are more likely to be interested in what you're selling if you pitch to them directly. Following up with an immediate promotion or discount can also raise the chances of making a sale.

How To Design A Compelling Sales Pitch That Wins Customer Trust
(Photo : Aiko de Guzman)

And to make it easy for you to develop a plan how you can capture your target's attention, it's highly recommended you take advantage of a sales battle card template.  With one, you can create a perfect talk track, focus on your claims, and allow you to go on the offense once you start your pitch.

3. Research your products and services well

Your product can't sell itself, and you can't just ask your targets to buy it as soon as you start your pitch. You need to introduce what you're selling first and then convince your customers to buy it. And to effectively present your product, you must know it inside and out.

Having complete knowledge of your product can allow you to be flexible when emphasizing its strengths and selling points. Also, being a subject matter expert of the product you'll sell won't make you look like you don't know what you're talking about when your target starts asking intricate and tricky questions about it. So be completely aware of everything related to your product, including its history, factors affecting sales performance, and even brand reputation.

4. Let your target see the future

Being a great storyteller is one of the most effective sales approaches or personas. Other approaches you can take are trying to be an aggressor, narrator, socializer, or focuser. (1)

More often than not, it's easier for customers to agree on offers if you provide them with a story that ultimately reflects their situations. Letting them see how convenient or great their future will be if they get your product is often a surefire way to get that coveted sale.

5. Base your pitch with facts

Of course, you can't base your pitch on lies and fictional information. You need to give them facts and statistics. People love numbers even if they don't understand what they mean and their significance. An effective way to make your offer more enticing is to mix real case studies and existing positive testimonials in your pitch.

6. Provide your expert opinion and insights

It would be boring and kill the mood if all you'll talk about are statistics and cliche sales lines. That's not all your customers want to hear from a sales pitch. Because of that, you must add some of your expert opinions and insights. 

Tell them the truth when it comes to what you think your product can give them. You can even share your experience with the product and make sure that you'll sound authentic.

Also, be sure to be positive with your wordings. Note that optimistic salespeople often get to outsell pessimistic ones by 20%-50%. (2)

7. Give space for you to listen and understand

While it's effective to barrage your target with your pitch, be sure to give them some space and a break. When your script or copy reaches the point that it's already making you spew jargon, talk shop, and any complicated terms, slow down. Let your customer think about what you just said and give them the chance to ask some questions.

When they do talk, make sure to listen. It's the exploratory phase. At this point, you can gain more insight into what your targets think and prioritize. Here, you can learn more about them and customize your pitch to suit them and win their trust.

8. State your call to action

Once you've gone through your material and your target seems enlightened and convinced, it's time to close the deal. State your call to action. In most cases, ask for the sale. Remember, almost 85% of sales pitches end with the salesperson not closing the deal. (3)

Closing the sale makes it clear to your target that it's time for them to decide. Don't awkwardly wait for them to initiate the closing phase-they may change their mind at the last minute.

9. Be prepared for sales objections

While your sales pitch may work on everyone, it doesn't mean that the pitch will go smoothly. Some targets will be hesitant-some may want to test you. And when you're in that situation, you should come prepared. Always anticipate sales objections, and ensure that you have rebuttals ready to seal the deal.


Those are the nine things you should do to ensure that you'll make a compelling sales pitch that can win your customers' trust. Following these steps can raise your chances of selling or upselling to your customer base without them losing their loyalty and trust toward you, your products, and services.


  1. "21 Powerful Sales Techniques (Backed By Scientific Research)", Source: 

  2. "Top 10 Most Powerful Sales Techniques", Source: 

  3. "It's OK To Ask For The Sale... Really It's OK!", Source: