What is the flu?

The scientific name for the flu is Influenza. Influenza or "flu" is an infectious respiratory disease caused by the Influenza A or Influenza B virus. The upper and lower respiratory tracts are the main targets of the Influenza virus. Flu mainly spreads by coughs or sneezes of the infected person and is highly contagious. You can also be diagnosed with the flu if you share a physical contact like shaking hands with an infected person. It takes about a week for the flu virus to spread throughout your body without your knowledge. So you will be spreading the influenza virus all around and this can also create an epidemic. 


The flu is very similar to cold but much worse. Both a cold and the flu are viral infections of the respiratory tract. It is common that people infected with the flu think that they are suffering from a cold and get on with their daily chores. This causes spread of the influenza virus, so it is very necessary that you have a trip to the doctor's even if you think that you are suffering from cold.

Some common symptoms of Flu are: 

1. Pain in muscles and joints

2. Eye ache

3. Tiredness

4. Fatigue

5. Cough and sore throat

6. Fever (not necessary)

7. vomit, nausea, diarrhea (children)

Get instant medical help if you have difficulty in breathing, chest pain, severe vomiting and dizziness or confusion.

It is necessary to get a treatment for the flu at an early stage otherwise it can convert into a more serious illness like pneumonia.


An old saying "Prevention is better than cure" has a lot to do with the flu. Usually the flu season starts during late winter/spring, so it is advisable to take a flu vaccination sometime during the fall.

If your symptoms are severe then it is necessary that you get medical aid. But if your symptoms are not severe then with the help of some home remedies you can treat the flu.

1. Rest properly

2. Drink lot of fluids to prevent dehydration

3. Reduce your body temperature by placing a damp cloth or sponge on your       exposed body parts.

4. Gargle with salt water to treat your sore throat

With the flu spreading world wide the FDA has suggested that it will develop a better vaccine for next winter.