Common Construction Injuries Caused by Negligence
(Photo : Ümit Yıldırım via Unsplash)

When it comes to working on a construction site there are no end to the number of potential injuries or potential problems that you might come up against. It is important that if you are hurt on a construction site, that you get the right lawyer to help you get the settlement that you need. 

What is Workplace Negligence?

When it comes to potential injuries on a worksite, it is important to know what workplace negligence is and what you might be dealing with. With negligence on the worksite, it can apply to either the employer not doing what they should have to make the workplace safe, to the foreman or whoever is in charge not making sure the worksite is safe, or to the negligence of the person that was injured. 

With workplace negligence, your lawyer is going to work to prove that the injury could have been prevented, that there was some sort of care of some sort of safety measure that was not taken, and that the accident could have been prevented had some other course been taken. This is type of negligence does not always lead to the death of the person that was injured, but it can end up causing major injury and serious troubles for the person in both the present and the future. 

What are Common Workplace Injuries on Construction Sites?

The first, and most common workplace injury on construction sites is broken bones. Broken bones can be caused by falling, by tripping, with things falling on them, or with people getting into accidents with machinery or other tools on the site. This is going to be an injury that is very serious, it can end up causing pain, it can cause issues with things like recovery, and it can also cause issues with having to take on physical therapy to get better. 

Another common injury that occurs on the worksite is loss of limbs. This is a bit more serious in terms of recovering and in terms of adjusting your life after you have lost that limb. Loss of limb is often tied to the actual piece of machinery, lack of safety measures to keep people out of the area of the machinery, or even improper explanation of how to use the machinery that might make it hard to really tell employees how to use it safely. 

With loss of limb you are going to be dealing with a great deal of pain, a great deal of trouble, and you are going to have to go through and work to figure out how to live life with a lost limb. The next common injury caused by negligence are stress injuries. These can be injuries that are associated with working too much, with not using proper safety measures, and with not being able to relax and recover between shifts. 

There are also injuries that have to do with slip and falls like torn muscles, pulled muscles and even twisted joints. It can be very painful and it can make it hard to get back to work and make it hard to get your life back on track and get back to work. 

What Can You Do if you Are Injured on the Worksite?

The first thing that you want to do is to take the time to figure out what happened and to start the process of filing a claim. Most workplace injuries, if they are not super serious, can be resolved with worker's compensation or you can get the issue settled with your employer out of court. For more serious issues or for injuries that do require that you go to the hospital, that you go to rehab or that you end up having to have things like surgery to help you recover. 

When you are injured you do need to take the time to get to the hospital or to the doctor to figure out how bad you are injured and to figure out what you are doing and how you are going to recover. You then need to contact a lawyer about creating a case that is going to help you get through your case and make a case that is going to get you a settlement that ca help you recover. 

Your lawyer is going to work with you to figure out what happened, to create a timeline and an accurate representation of what happened, and to make sure that there was negligence. Your team is going to work to determine a few things, first, who is responsible for the safety of the site?

If you have a foreman that is there and that should be maintaining the safety of the site, the issue may be directed to them. If you are responsible as a worker to keep your own area safe, you may be held responsible. The contractor that is running the site is responsible for offering safety courses to help ensure that you are safe when you are on the site and that you know what you should and should not do in terms of safety. 

Your attorney is also going to determine if there was obvious danger that you should have been able to avoid, if other workers have also been injured in a similar fashion, or if there was any OSHA standard that was violated. This will help establish neglect and will also help to establish that there was something wrong and there was something that should have been prevented and that should have been avoided. 

Why You Need a Lawyer?

If you have been injured at a worksite or at your own worksite, you do need to take the time to get the help you need to recover an to ensure that you are going to be healthy. This means going to the doctor or the hospital to get treatment. You want to make sure you are getting reports and statements if possible so that a clear determination can be made as to what caused the accident and what it is going to take to get you back to feeling good. 

You then need to take the time to talk to a lawyer about what is needed to build a case and to prove that the injury was the result of something that another person either did or neglected to use. Your lawyer is going to first work to help you determine what happened and to get your story about what happened and what the doctor said about your injuries. Your lawyer is also going to work to prove that there was negligence that led to the injury. 

They are going to make a case for what might have caused the injury, they are going to try to prove that the injury could have been avoided, and that if there had been more safety measures, you could have been better off and you could have avoided the recovery process. A lawyer is going to know what needs to be done, what they can do to help you get a better settlement, and they are going to know just what they can ask for and what they can add to the settlement and what you are asking for. 

What sort of Settlement Can You Get?

There are a range of costs that can be paid with our settlement. The first are your medical bills. These are going to be paid off at the start of your settlement and they are going to be paid in full in most cases. This is going to help you pay for the treatments that you need to get better and that you need to actually get back to work. 

You can also get the cost of time off work paid. If you are injured to the point that you are going to have to be off of work for a time and that you are not going to be able to work, you can get money to help cover that lost income and that lost money. You are also going to be able to get compensation for the pain and suffering that you have experienced. 

If you were injured and you are now afraid to drive or you are having flash backs or trouble recovering, you can get a settlement amount that will help you take the time to sit down and actually recover and get better. If you are injured on a worksite, you can get a great deal of compensation for your pain and suffering and you can get better and you can start to recover. 

If you are dealing with pain and suffering from a work place injury, the right lawyer can get you a great settlement that is going to work well and that is going to afford you the money that you need to recover and get the help that you need. If you are dealing with ongoing care, you can also get that paid for. 

You can get your physical therapy paid for, you can get medical care for things like ongoing surgery that you might need or doctors visits that you might need as well. It is so important to take the time to get a great lawyer that is going to be able to help you get your settlement and to help include all the things that need to be included so that you can get a settlement that is going to be large enough to cover all your expenses. 

A great lawyer is going to be able to help you build a case, find all the information and the evidence that you need, and also to fight for you to get a settlement that is going to work for you and that is actually going to help you. With the right lawyer, you can build a great case that is going to be hard to refute. In some cases, the company that you are working with might want to settle out of court for your particular case and your particular injuries and needed care.  

In these cases, having a lawyer on your side is going to be a huge benefit to you and to your overall settlement and to the overall amount of money that you can get. It is so hard to recover from a workplace accident, with the help of a great lawyer and team, you can get the help that you need ad you can get a settlement that is really going to help you heal. 

Workplace accidents are something that no one ever wants to deal with. With the help of a lawyer, however, you can get better and you can get the money that you need to pay off your medical bills and to really recover and feel better overall.