AIDS is one of the most deadliest disease responsible for millions of death worldwide. It is caused by HIV virus (human immunodeficiency virus). This virus spreads through sexual contacts, and to date there is no cure for it. Due to advanced technology and medications, the effect of the HIV virus can be slowed but not completely eradicated. Scientists around the world are still busy researching a cure for AIDS.

On an interesting note, Scientists have found that llamas appear to be immune to AIDS.  According to reports, llamas secrete an antibody which neutralizes as much as 95% of the HIV virus.

Three llamas were tested by injecting the HIV virus. After the development of antibodies their blood was extracted and studied.

The difference between the antibodies of human and llamas are that the human antibodies contain a short and a long chain and scatter while attacking unfamiliar virus, whereas the antibodies of llamas contain a single chain and are precise while attacking the virus.  But the exact reason human body cannot repel the HIV virus is still unknown.

The llama's antibodies cannot be directly used inside human body as the human body is not adapted to accept or produce antibodies of llamas. Injecting antibodies of llamas directly in human body is a great risk and can cause infection.

A new study states that it can be possible to neutralize the HIV virus in human body by combining the antibodies of llamas with humans. Scientists are trying to genetically alter antibodies of llamas so that it can be used inside human body.

Apart form llamas its Andean cousins, Alpacas can also repel the HIV virus.

It has been more than 30 years since the HIV virus was discovered and still there is no medication available.  Scientists hope that the cute and appealing llamas may provide some solution for the treatment of AIDS.