Syphilis is a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD). Though syphilis is a common infection, one should definitely take measures to protect themselves and their sexual partners. Having in-depth information of its signs and symptoms is crucial to ensure proper treatment and cure.

It is known that syphilis has four stages - primary, secondary, tertiary and latent. Each of those stages have different symptoms, but it is not necessary that all of those symptoms will be present in that stage. Also, syphilis has an incubation period of 9 to 90 days, but the average is around 21 days before the first signs and symptoms begin to appear.

So, without any further ado, here are the signs and symptoms of syphilis.

Signs & Symptoms of Primary Syphilis

In this stage, syphilis is just beginning its journey with a sore on the skin that was exposed to the infection. This is usually the genitals, rectum or mouth. Individuals describe this soreness as a firm, round button.

This issue in this stage is that the button/soreness heals very quickly (in around 4 to 6 weeks in most cases). This is not a good thing because the syphilis has not been cured, and it will still keep proceeding on its journey throughout your body.

Signs & Symptoms of Secondary Syphilis

This stage usually occurs after several weeks have gone by since the cure of that first soreness. This is the time when the bacteria has already spread throughout your body, and you will start to feel it. You will start having headaches, loss of appetite and rashes.

Usually those rashes are reddish-brown in color, but again, it may differ according to the individual. These rashes are not itchy. They can last either for several weeks, or maybe a couple of months in some cases.

Additional secondary syphilis symptoms include, soreness in the mouth, nose throat, genitals or folds of the skin.

Signs & Symptoms of Latent Syphilis

A third stage of signs and symptoms of syphilis only occurs once the symptoms/signs of the secondary syphilis are disappeared. Though this stage does not has any symptoms, but it definitely can last from a few years to a whopping 50 years!

An individual infected with latent syphilis ceases to be contagious by this stage. But, this stage of syphilis can still be diagnosed with a blood test. If a women gets pregnant in this stage of syphilis, there are chances that she might transmit the disease to her fetus.

Signs & Symptoms of Tertiary Syphilis

There are many signs & symptoms of this last stage of syphilis. Signs/symptoms include heavy fever, non-healing skin ulcers, bone pain, liver disease, and anemia. But the spreading of this infection doesn't ends here. The tertiary syphilis also affects the nervous system which then results into the loss of mental functioning and also the aorta.