Photo by i yunmai on Unsplash
(Photo : i yunmai on Unsplash)

We are betting that every woman at least once in her life had a sharp desire to lose weight in the shortest possible terms. The reasons may differ, whether it is an important date, memorable life event or the beginning of the beach season, but the result is always the same - a rapid weight gain right after the end of an exhausting diet. 

Researchers of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommend losing 1-2 pounds per week. Such a gradual process will help your body to renew the system and to burn unnecessary fat deposits, without any harm and most importantly - without a "fat-back" effect. During the two-week diet, extreme weight change occurs due to a large loss of water and a decrease of glycogen level in your body or, simply saying, due to a loss of carbs. As soon as you come back to your usual food mode all the lost pounds will quickly return as well. Weight surges can also be an additional stress for your body and exacerbate existing diagnoses. Therefore, we advise you to consult a doctor before starting a two-week marathon.

Where to begin with?

As soon as you have a desire to lose weight - act! 14 days is not enough to change your eating habits radically, but well enough to start forming new ones. First of all, set a goal - it will be psychologically easier for you to give up your favorite (and not always healthy) dishes and review your daily menu. The first visible results will be an additional motivation. Make body measurements and a selfie in the underwear before starting the diet. You can also ask friends or family to support you emotionally during this period.

It's all about water

Water removes toxin deposits from the body, regulates a large number of metabolic processes and helps internal organs to function. Plus, it has 0 calories! It's better to drink water during the day and especially during workouts. If you find it difficult to cope with an increased feeling of hunger, a glass of warm water will be the ideal snack. Warm water will be digested quickly and will replace the meal for your body.

The amount of water needed for each person per day is individual. To calculate the exact quantity, use one of this formulas:

  • For women: weight × 1 fluid ounce. For example, a woman weighing 130 lbs needs to drink 8 cups (60×30) of fluid per day.

  • For men: weight × 1.35 fluid ounces. For example, a man weighing 180 lbs needs to drink 14 cups (85×40) of fluid per day.

In addition to water, you can drink one cup of black coffee every morning. Without sugar, syrups and milk. Coffee slows down carb absorption, reduces appetite and encourages the body to lose water. Fitness trainers also recommend drinking coffee 40 minutes before a workout, as an additional source of energy.

Avoid simple and complex carbs

Ketosis will help you achieve the maximum effect in 14 days. It's a metabolic state in which your body uses fat and ketones as its main source of energy, rather than glucose (sugar).

Simple carbs, consisting entirely of starch and sugar, are blacklisted. They increase the level of insulin in your body and, consequently, the amount of fat deposits. You need to avoid: sweets, cakes, cookies, donuts, bread, all types of pastries, chips, fast food, carbonated sugary drinks, ice cream, chocolate, etc.

During two weeks you also have to avoid starchy vegetables (such as potatoes, corn, pumpkin, carrots), sweet fruits and berries (bananas, apples, oranges, watermelon), all types of groats (including whole grains), and beans.

Get the menu right

Choose foods with a negative calorie content - up to 30 kcal per 100 g. To digest this type of products, your body will spend more energy than it will receive from them. For example, to assimilate 100 g of lettuce leaves with an energy value of 15 kcal, the body will spend approximately 130 kcal.

Almost all vegetables are negative-calorie food: cucumber, eggplant, spinach, broccoli, zucchini, asparagus, cauliflower, beets, all kinds of green herbs, celery etc.

After removing all carbs from the diet plan, make a menu based on fiber and protein. Each of your meals should be based on this combination. The menu can be quite diverse and include low-fat varieties of fish, veal, eggs, hard cheeses, poultry meat and shrimps. Experiment with different salad recipes, but remember that you can only dress them with olive oil and lemon. Remove all sauces and mayonnaise for 14 days. 

Eliminate snacking from your diet plan and leave only 3 meals a day. Eat small portions at the same time every day. Take your supper no later than 20:00 or 4 hours before bedtime. And no cheat meals!

Cook food by yourself. Is easier to calculate exactly the calorie value of the homemade food because you know all the ingredients. 

Sports mode on

The key to any short-term diet is eating less and moving more. Workouts should be your daily mantra. Choose any sports you like and do not forget to alternate the workouts: cardio, strength and stretching. It's better if your daily training lasts from 45 minutes to 1 hour. 

You can replace the workout with a long walk. In this case, the number of steps per day must be at least 10,000 thousand. Sleep 7-8 hours a day, so your body will have enough time to recover.

An integrated approach and following the rules above will help you achieve maximum results in a short time, without harm to health.