Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash
(Photo : Mimi Thian on Unsplash)

There is more to boosting productivity at work than simply investing in the right talent and equipment for the job. The workplace environment together with its design can make or break your staff's ability to work with little to no distractions or stress. Putting some thought into your office's design and flow is one of the best ways to boost productivity and promote workplace happiness.

Many buildings today (and possibly future ones) are a product of a combination of architecture and neuroscience. According to research, incorporating these in your workplace design allows for a more comfortable and attractive working environment. How can you turn an otherwise ineffective and unappealing workplace to a productive and attractive one? You may ask. Outlined below are simple yet proven design ideas that can help boost productivity and happiness in the workplace.

1. Introduce Green Plants (Spaces)

Working in front of a computer for hours every day can be tiring emotionally. A number of studies have however revealed that introducing green (live) plants in the workplace does help fight off fatigue and improve productivity. In one study, researchers realized that introducing plants in the workplace helped participants complete computer tasks 12% faster than before. In addition to this, green plants are known to purify the air by utilizing carbon dioxide and releasing lots of oxygen into the environment. This in return helps those close by fight depression, fatigue, and anxiety, hence good for their health.

2. Mask Any Unnecessary Sounds and Noises

Sounds over 70dB are automatically characterized as noise and can be quite disruptive especially when trying to get some work done. Although too much noise or quiet can be distracting for many, some individuals prefer working in a dead silent office to a noisy one. Even the slightest of noises impact their performance. Noises are however unavoidable in the cities with traffic and other elements taking center stage. Using a white noise machine can however help mask off most of these noises, leaving you comfortable to concentrate on whatever tasks at hand.  Acoustic furnishing can thus play a critical role in blocking noises and improving the office's overall aesthetics.

3. Introduce Collaborative Spaces

 Although digital contact and remote working have been the norm today, experts still recommend face-to-face collaboration, and with a good reason. Face-to-face collaboration enables employees to spend time together, making it easier to open up about issues (aside from/or including work) that might be affecting them. You can encourage this by introducing collaborative workplaces where employees can team up, especially when working on similar assignments.

4. Consider Higher Ceilings

Unknown to many, lower ceilings make a space seem cramped and darker, hence not recommended for office setups.  This, according to research, is based on our conceptual thinking rather than practicalities, a reason most individuals are more productive in rooms with higher ceilings. Higher ceilings also promote improved air circulation.

5. Consider An Open-Plan Setup

Although cubicles may come in handy when working on a sensitive assignment, or prefer working alone, studies show open-office setups to be more advantageous.  According to a study conducted on the same, individuals working in an open-office setup were 25% more productive than those in offices and cubicles. The only trick here is to ensure there's ample space between one desk and the next to prevent crowding and distractions.

6. Consider Active and Rounded Furniture

Bike desks, adjustable desks, and sit-stand workstations have proven to be effective in promoting performance while boosting a person's overall health.  Rounded products/furniture also promote productivity with the option of working on your feet or seated depending on what you prefer.

7. Lights, Temperature, and Air

The ideal office needs to be well-lit, preferably with natural light. Too cold or hold office environments also make workers uncomfortable, taking a toll on their productivity, health, and well-being. Air quality monitoring to ensure good quality air, goes a long way in everyone's health and performance. It would thus be advisable to ensure these are set to optimal for the best performance.