Light travels within a vacuum with a speed of precisely 299,792,458 meters each second. According to Space, this equates to a speed of 186,282 miles each second. Such is known as the equation "c," or a universally unchanging figure for light speed.

Einstein: Light Speed is Constant

Prominent scientist Albert Einstein had a globally known theory referred to as the theory of relativity. According to the AMNH or American Museum of Natural History, the central premise of Einstein's notions about light is that it is constant. This, in turn, means that the velocity of light in a moving source is the same as if it was from a stationary source. Regardless of whether its source moves or not, Einstein's theory holds that speed does not change.

(Photo: Pexels / Roman Odintsov )

Space also notes how this theory holds that nothing across the universe can overtake light in terms of speed. It also has that as particulate matter gets nearer to the speed of light, its mass ends up infinite. This, in turn, means that the universe's speed limit is that of light.

According to the US NIST or National Institute of Standards and Technology, light speed is remarkably immutable to the point where it serves as a basis for setting international standardized measurements, such as the meter.

However, the applications of knowing light's speed go beyond earth. In fact, specialists have been looking into how the speed of light can shorten space travel to address issues pertaining to health and logistics.

ALSO READ: Experts Make Light Waves That Penetrate Opacity 

NASA Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Program

From 1996 until 2002, the NASA Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Program took place. As part of this program, specialists from the academic, government, and industry issued a proposal to achieve a groundbreaking revolution in space travel. They aimed to achieve propulsion that did not require mass that is propellant, propulsion that is capable of reaching and possibly circumventing the speed of light, and groundbreaking methods of producing energy to support certain devices.

The specialists stated recent theories suggest that the motion limit can be circumvented by making changes to spacetime. Such includes theories pertaining to "warp drive" or "wormhole." These theories also suggest that the speed limit of light can be transcended if velocities harbor values that are imaginary. However, the specialists note a particular question regarding whether such theories reflect actual possibilities or are simply curiosities.

They note that if wormholes existed, they should be noticeable through astronomical investigations.

Nevertheless, according to their study, travel that takes place faster than light may lead to several crucial concerns. This includes violations in causality, the need to have negative energy, and the need for tremendous densities of energy to have superluminal effects.

Laser Propulsion Facilitates Transit Periods

ScienceAlert also reported how there was an assumption that laser propulsion can facilitate speed in travel toward Mars. Study findings reported the possibility that when the spacecraft grounds operations on a novel system of propulsion-wherein, hydrogen fuel gets heater by lasers-may shorten transit periods toward Mars to 45 days only.

However, much of the technology is in the stage of theory and development. Nevertheless, it shows remarkable potential as it may address two of the most pressing challenges in missions to Mars: health and logistics.

RELATED ARTICLE: Scientists Manipulated the Speed of Light to Improve Laser Technology

Check out more news and information on Quantum Physics in Science Times.