Person Holding Canon Dslr Camera Close-up Photo
(Photo : Terje Sollie)

Flower photography can be tricky, but it doesn't have to be! Whether you're looking to sell your photos online or simply to document the beauty of your garden, there are a few key strategies you can use that will ensure you get great shots every time. 

Here are some tips from Tom Baskind for flower and garden photography that will make your shots pop!

Look for Interesting Angles

When it comes to flower and garden photography, one of the most important tips is to look for interesting angles. 

When photographing flowers and plants, you want to be creative and capture the beauty of nature in a unique way. 

Taking photos from different angles can help to create a more interesting composition, as well as highlight any interesting details. Experiment with close-up shots, low angles, high angles, or any other angle that helps to show off the beauty of the flower or plant. 

Use a Tripod

Using a tripod for your flower and garden photography can make all the difference when it comes to capturing stunning shots. It helps to keep your camera steady and provides stability in windy conditions or on uneven terrain. 

Tripods come in a variety of sizes and styles so you can find the perfect one for your needs. A tripod also gives you more control over your camera settings and allows you to make micro-adjustments to your composition. 

Taking the time to set up a tripod will be well worth it when you look at the beautiful images you have captured.

Get Close to Your Subject

If you're looking to capture the beauty of a flower or garden, one of the best tips for getting the perfect shot is to get up close and personal with your subject

Being close to your subject allows you to really focus on the details and make sure that each petal or leaf is perfectly in focus. 

Try to get your camera as close as possible, without casting a shadow over the flower or plant. This will help you capture all of its stunning details, from its vivid colors to its delicate shape. 

For an even more stunning effect, try shooting with a shallow depth of field so that your subject stands out against the background.

Use Natural Light

When it comes to flower and garden photography, one of the most important tips is to use natural light. Natural light can help you achieve stunning photographs with beautiful, vibrant colors and sharp details. 

When you are photographing in a garden or outdoor space, it is best to take advantage of the natural light that is available. Try to find spots where the light is brightest and use that as your base.

Use Props

According to Thomas Baskind, one of the best ways to add extra dimension and interest to your photos is to use props. 

Props can come in many forms, from simple objects like stones or sticks to more elaborate decorations such as sculptures or wind chimes.

Learn More from Tom Baskind Photography

Taking flower and garden photos can be a fun and creative experience. With the right tips and techniques, your shots can pop and truly capture the beauty of nature.