Photo by Karolina Grabowska
(Photo : Karolina Grabowska from Pexels)

If there is a "medical" practice that has been shrouded in mystery for many years, it is chiropractic treatment. Many people wonder how the practitioners know where to touch, and adjust on the spine. 

Chiropractic treatment is not a new manual therapy. It has been around in China, since around 2700 B.C.E. In the USA, the first chiropractic adjustment can be traced to 1895, when Daniel David Palmer did it to Harvey Lillard, a janitor. 

In recent years, this somewhat unorthodox treatment has grown in popularity such that there are close to 100,000 professionals registered to practice it in the USA. It has also grown in misconception too! 

It is hard to know the truth but here, you will see the most common misconceptions about chiropractors:. 

1. Chiropractors take a crash course and start working

This is one of the biggest myths out there, that the chiropractor is a guy who took a crash course in the practice over a few weekends and then started practicing. In the USA, a chiropractor trains for at least 4500 hours. 

If you have a basic sciences associate degree of two years, you can take chiropractic training for two years. Overall, you have to do 4 years of training, and internship to be registered with the relevant authorities. 

The degree program that you undertake could be in anatomy, orthopedics, radiology, physiology, or pathology. 

2. You will have to keep going back for treatment

While some injury cases require longer  treatment plans as a preventative measure for pain, for most people, it will be a one-off visit. 

Also, chronic pain needs a longer treatment plan. Go as often as the specialist recommends. 

After assessing you, the chiropractor will recommend a good treatment plan for you. For some people, the visits are close together and for some, a few visits will be enough. It is recommended to keep up with the plan so that the treatment can work. 

3. Chiropractic is only for oldies

Some of the spinal problems and joint dysfunction at the chiropractic center are injury related

It is true that many seniors may experience back and joint problems more than the younger people. All the same, sports and work related injuries can compel anyone to go for chiropractic treatment sooner than later. 

Different patients get different treatments. There is no one-size fit all joint or spine problems. Everyone gets their own unique treatment. There are treatment techniques for babies as well as seniors of any age. 

4. He is going to crack your bones

A chiropractor will never crack your bones. They treat, not destroy. But this is not a far-fetched myth because of the cracking sound when the doctor does some manipulation. 

If a joint has been dysfunctional for some time, some gasses are trapped inside. When the joint is manipulated into its proper position, the gasses find their escape. This is what causes the cracking sound.

5. It is a small unknown profession

Today, chiropractic treatment ranks number three on the list of the biggest healthcare professions in the west. 

A 2019 article on Business Wire said that the chiropractic industry would grow to $18 billion by 2025. 

In yet another shocking data reveal, the American Chiropractors Association says that 3 in 4 Americans saw a Chiropractor in 2022. That is huge! 

6. Chiropractor will make you feel pain

Again, this mistruth is as far-fetched as the one about cracking your bones. A chiropractor will relieve, and not cause pain. 

Some situations will cause pain, but most people get pain relief almost immediately. If there is pain, it can come during the joint manipulation moment and then it passes. 

Manipulating a dysfunctional joint is painful. While not all the time, there is usually an instance or two of pain. 

After assessing the extent of your injury, the chiropractor will recommend a treatment plan. This can be long or short. 

Even when the pain stops, keep going for treatment until you complete the plan or the chiropractor says it is enough. 

7. Chiropractors are expensive

If the doctor said this is a "Medically Necessary," treatment, most health insurance plans will cover it. Even then, you will be limited to a certain number of visits. 

But even if your health insurance won't cover the therapy, don't skip the opportunity to see a practitioner. Most chiropractors charge the same rates as other manual therapy treatments. 

Compare a few treatment centers or look for recommendations from family and friends. In most cases, one-session therapy with a chiropractor is cheaper than a consultation with a private general physician. 

8. The chiropractor always asks for an X-ray

If you have recent scans and X-rays, bring them on your visit to the Chiropractic treatment center. They will not take new ones if there is no need. 

Of course, joint and spine manipulation is very sensitive, so there is a need for high quality scans and X-ray films. Mostly, a chiropractor will not start treatment without this. If he or she needs them, they will only be taken under strict medical guidelines. 

If an X-rays is needed, take it. It helps in the diagnosis of the problem so the doctor can know what and where to treat. 

9. Chiropractic manipulation is dangerous

This practice is used to treat dysfunctional joints, sciatica, arthritis, back pain and other dysfunctions. 

But since most people going to see a chiropractor have spine issues, they associate it with danger. 

If untrained personnel conduct this manipulation, it can be dangerous. If you see a qualified practitioner, this is the safest, pain-relieving therapy in the world. 

10. A doctor must refer you to a chiropractor

This is only necessary when you want your health insurance plan to pay for the treatment as your doctor will note it as "Medically Necessary." 

Apart from that, it is not necessary to see a doctor first to refer you to a chiropractic treatment. Chiropractors are considered first-contact healthcare personnel and they can perform a diagnosis and make a correct medical impression. 

11. A chiropractor only helps with spinal problems

As musculoskeletal experts, chiropractors help with many problems associated  with muscle, skeleton and the nervous system. 

Frequent headaches are sometimes related to musculoskeletal problems. But if you don't get a proper diagnosis, this can be hard to know. Find a chiropractor to evaluate you and find the source of the pain. 

12. A chiropractor is only seen when there is pain

Unfortunately, when it comes to our bodies, the "don't fix it if it is not broken" slogan will not apply. 

Be very intentional about your physical and mental health. As you go for mental and physical health checkups, please don't ignore your musculoskeletal health. 

Don't wait until you are injured. Go for help on how to prevent injury, the right gear to wear, and other recommendations in advance. 


Chiropractic is a mainstream treatment therapy for joint manipulation. It is not only used for treating, but it is also good for preventive care. 

You don't even need the referral of a doctor. If you need to see a chiropractor, book a slot with one immediately. 

About 35 million Americans see a chiropractor each year. You may find the need too sooner than later. Some of the problems that might need chiropractic treatment include:

  • Relentless headaches

  • Sciatica

  • Joint pain

  • Back pain

  • Shoulder pain

  • Arthritis

  • Neck pain