A wildlife photographer shared snaps of a cluster of sharks swimming nearby kayakers in Ireland. According to him, it was an unforgettable experience.

Kayakers Enjoying the Ocean With Basking Sharks Nearby

Florian Walsh noticed some activity in the waters of Ventry Bay Beach. So, he raced back home, picked up his drone, and launched the device, hoping he could record the rare sighting of "very large sharks" swimming alongside the kayakers.

He told 9News.com.au that he captured the footage on April 29. He said his jaw dropped when he saw the image after launching the drone.

There were multiple basking sharks in one place. He added that the harbor was full of them. In his estimate, there were about over 40 sharks at the time.

He noticed a few kayakers nearby and used them as a scale to measure how large the sharks were. Based on the photos, the sharks were at least twice the size of the kayak.

The outlet noted that basking sharks are usually found in cool waters. They can reach up to 10 meters in length.

Walsh said the sharks were swimming around feeding on plankton. Although it wasn't the first time he saw basking sharks, it was special because it was a rare moment to see at least a dozen in one shot.

According to San Jose State University, basking sharks are very social beings. They usually swim in small groups of two or three. However, they can swim in large groups of up to 500 or more.

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Are Basking Sharks Aggressive?

Basking fish are slow-moving migratory fish and are considered the second largest fish as they can grow up to 40 feet and weigh over five tons, per Florida Museum.

They are often spotted swimming close to the surface with their huge mouth open. They filter 2,000 tons of water per hour over their complex gills to scoop up zooplankton.

Despite their massive size, basking sharks are passive and harmless to humans. They typically tolerate divers and boats. However, due to reports of sharks attacking boats after being harpooned, it is important to respect the animal's size and strength.

However, their skin is rough, so one should take caution when getting near them. It has been reported that scientists and divers have suffered injuries from its huge dermal denticles.

For several reasons, basking sharks are especially sensitive to overfishing. They have a long gestation period, slow growth rate, and protracted maturation time. Many nations have passed laws to protect the basking shark from further exploitation in response to these factors and an already declining population in many areas.

Basking sharks have historically been targeted for their oil, flesh, fins, and vitamin-rich livers worldwide. Their fins are offered for sale as the main components in shark fin soup.

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