Why Gastric/Stomach Balloon is an Effective Procedure for Weight Loss
(Photo : Why Gastric/Stomach Balloon is an Effective Procedure for Weight Loss)

The number of people living with obesity around the world is rapidly growing daily. It's estimated that over 30% of adults globally are currently overweight, with health experts predicting that this figure could double in the next decade. Obesity is a condition caused when excess calories are stored in the body as fats. Unhealthy eating habits, genetics, stress, or sickness can cause this condition.

When a person is obese, they are at risk of getting cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and different kinds of cancer. However, there are different methods of treating obesity, including invasive and non-invasive techniques. These methods ensure a person loses a certain amount of weight within a given period. 
One weight loss method that has become popular among overweight people is the gastric balloon system. The gastric balloon or stomach balloon is a non-surgical weight loss procedure that has proven effective in improving overweight-related illnesses. 

How Much Weight Can a Person Loss Through Spatz Adjustable Gastric Balloon System

According to medical studies, it has been proven that a patient can lose between 15% to 30% of their original weight through a Spatz adjustable gastric balloon system. While there are many other gastric balloons in the market, Spatz is the only adjustable non surgical weight loss balloon, and this comes with an array of benefits. This system has helped overweight patients achieve incredible weight loss and change their attitude toward food. However, patient determination and self-discipline must be peak to achieve this high success rate.

The Spatz gastric balloon is not a standalone weight loss program. This means that other activities ensure that the weight loss is optimum. Activities such as exercising, healthy dieting, and getting enough rest can go a long way in achieving incredible weight loss. It should also be noted that the Spatz intragastric balloon is a guarantee for significant weight loss, as over 95% of people do meet their target. 

Advantages of Spatz Adjustable Gastric Balloon

Here are some of the benefits of stomach balloons you should know about.

It's A Non Invasive Procedure 

Non-invasive means there are no knives, nobody cuts, and no blood during the process. The procedure involves sedating the patient and guiding a thin tube containing the silicone balloon down the throat. This thin tube is guided by an endoscope which allows the doctor to see and ensure that the balloon is placed perfectly in the stomach. When the balloon is inflated, it is sealed, and the tubes are removed. This procedure takes an experienced doctor between 10-15 minutes.

It's a Temporary Procedure

Depending on how the patient feels about the procedure, the intragastric balloon can be removed whenever they want. Moreover, by design, the Spatz adjustable gastric balloon was made to last 8-12 months, after which it can be removed or changed. The temporary nature of this medical procedure makes it easy for patients to readjust their lifestyles after the balloon has been removed.

It's a Cost Effective Method of Weight Loss

The intragastric balloon is one of the most affordable and effective non-surgical weight loss medical procedures. With an average cost of about $5000- $7000, people can get a gastric balloon inserted in their stomach. This cost also includes a year-long supervised medical program. Other invasive procedures like gastric bypass can cost well over $20,000.

It's Not a Selective Procedure

There are certain people who, due to their BMI (body mass index), cannot undergo weight loss surgery. They are told, especially by the insurance company, that their BMI is too low for intragastric bypass surgery. However, the BMI requirement for qualifying for a gastric balloon is significantly lower. If your BMI is 29 and above, you can have the balloon inserted. 

The Working Principle of Spatz Intragastric Balloon

A Spatz intragastric balloon works by occupying a section in the stomach and limiting the amount of food a person can consume. This is done by inserting a silicon balloon containing salty water in the stomach. When this balloon is inserted, the stomach tends to get filled quickly with a small quantity of food or drink. In response to the low food intake, the body burns off excess fat by converting from your existing reserves. 

For this procedure to succeed, a person must work closely with their dietitian. This is because, after the process, they are not allowed to eat certain types of foods for the success of their weight loss journey. During the first 24 hours after the procedure, only liquid foods like smoothies are recommended. Liquid foods help ease the transition process for obese people.

Bottom Line

The Spatz adjustable stomach balloon is a weight loss system that has proven to be successful in the treatment of obesity. However, this procedure must be accompanied by exercise, healthy eating habits, meditation, and relaxation. Try to avoid any situation that will bring you stress during your weight loss journey if you want long-term success.