Photo by BATCH by Wisconsin Hemp Scientific on Unsplash
(Photo : BATCH by Wisconsin Hemp Scientific on Unsplash)

The cannabis industry and cannabis consumers are constantly innovating, creating new products and finding new ways to enjoy cannabis. Joints and pot brownies are no longer the only way to enjoy your favorite plant  - there are now refreshing, exciting ways that elevate the cannabis experience. 

Here are some of the most creative ways to consume cannabis. From their delightful taste to their soothing psychoactive experience, these consumption methods are highly enjoyable. 

1. Cannabis Cereal Treats

Treat yourself to cannabis treats! You may have heard of cornflakes, but have you heard of cannabis flakes? 

One of the most popular new ways to consume cannabis is the cereal bar containing THC. Munch on a THC cereal treat and you're guaranteed to get the munchies. Sweet cereal, gooey marshmallows, and a potent dose of cannabinoids are mixed together to make these unbelievably scrumptious squares. 

Cereal isn't just for the morning anymore! You can enjoy THC cereal bars anywhere any time because they're easy to take on the go and completely discrete. 

2. Cannabis Baked Goods

Baked goods that get you baked are all the rage right now. We're not just talking about classic pot brownies - although those are still an option. You can purchase cannabis-infused donuts, waffles, cakes, muffins, bread, and more!

If you're feeling like donning your baking apron, you can even make your own cannabis-infused confections by creating cannabis oil or butter. What you make is totally dependent on what you want and your imagination. If you need some inspiration though, there are some great cannabis recipes online! 

3. Cannabis Dining

Recently, cannabis restaurants have become popular, offering infused dishes that not only make for a great dining experience but also an excellent psychoactive experience.

Similar to cannabis baked goods, you can also make your own cannabis food at home using cannabis oil or butter. Be cautious about dosing the food. If it turns out delicious, you'll want to eat a lot of it - which could result in a stronger dose of THC than anticipated. 

4. Cannabis Drinks

Recently, cannabis-infused beverages have emerged as a strong substitute for booze. Providing an intoxicating buzz, but no hangover, they're perfect for adults looking to mix it up. 

Popular cannabis drinks include THC seltzer, soda, juice, and tea. Enjoy them while out socializing or at home relaxing. Some hemp-derived THC drinks are even available at bars! 

The main benefit of cannabis beverages is that they have fast-acting effects, unlike other cannabis edibles. Your psychoactive journey will begin 15 to 30 minutes after drinking. 

Future Cannabis Innovation

These are just four creative ways to consume cannabis. There are plenty more that exist and even more that will be concocted in years to come. The industry will continue to innovate while cannabis consumers will find their own fun way to make unique cannabis edibles.