Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash
(Photo : National Cancer Institute on Unsplash)


Laser lipo is an innovative, non-surgical body contouring procedure that can help you achieve your desired body shape with minimal effort. It uses laser energy to target and dissolve stubborn fat deposits in areas like the abdomen, back, flanks, thighs, neck and arms. With laser lipo treatment, you can get rid of unwanted fat without any surgical incisions or downtime. This makes it a popular choice for those looking to make changes to their appearance quickly and safely.

In this blog post, we will discuss what laser lipo can treat and how it works. Read on to learn more.

What is Laser Lipo and How Does it Work?

Laser lipo, also known as laser-assisted liposuction, is a non-invasive body contouring procedure that removes fat from areas of the body. It uses low levels of laser energy to liquefy specific fat cells before they are removed from the body. The laser energy is delivered through a small cannula--similar to traditional liposuction methods--and can be used to treat different areas of the body, including the neck, arms, abdomen, back, buttocks, and thighs.

During the procedure, a laser fiber is inserted into the area that needs treatment through a small incision. The fiber delivers low-level laser energy that heats up and liquefies targeted fat cells. This then allows those cells to be gently suctioned away with a surgical tool such as a cannula or syringe. 

Since laser lipo doesn't require extensive tissue manipulation like traditional liposuction methods, the procedure involves minimal downtime with no major risk of health complications or bruising. It also leaves behind smoother skin than traditional liposuction.

The primary benefit of laser liposuction is its ability to target specific pockets of fat while leaving surrounding tissue unharmed. This makes it an ideal option for those looking to reduce isolated fat deposits without having to undergo major surgery or endure extensive recovery time. It can also help tighten loose skin in some cases due to the heating of collagen fibers which occurs during the treatment.

What Areas of the Body Can Laser Lipo Treat?

Laser liposuction can be used to treat many areas of the body, including:

- Abdomen: This is one of the most commonly treated areas with laser lipo, as it can help reduce fat pockets and tone up the stomach muscles. It's particularly effective for those with stubborn abdominal fat who are struggling to get rid of it with diet and exercise alone.

- Love Handles: Laser lipo can be used to eradicate excess fat in this area, helping you achieve a more toned physique.

- Hips: Just like love handles, excess fat on the hips can also be removed through laser liposuction in order to produce a more contoured look.

- Thighs: One of the top requests for laser lipo treatments involves slimming down and reshaping thighs. This procedure can dramatically improve the look and feel of your legs and make wearing shorts or skirts much easier.

- Arms: If you have extra flab in your arms that just won't go away, laser liposuction could be the solution you're looking for. This treatment is especially beneficial if you have saggy skin above your elbows caused by excess fatty tissue.

- Neck: A double chin can be an embarrassing issue for some, but laser lipo can remove it and create a more defined jawline. The treatment is also effective at getting rid of excess fat from the neck area.

Laser Lipo Risks and Side Effects

While laser lipo can provide great results with minimal discomfort, there are still some potential risks and side effects associated with the treatment.

The most common risk of laser lipo is infection. Since the procedure involves making small incisions in the skin, bacteria can enter and cause an infection if proper care is not taken during and after treatment. For this reason, it's important to carefully follow all pre-operative instructions given by your provider, including taking antibiotics before and after the procedure.

Additionally, swelling and bruising are common side effects for the first few days after your treatment. The affected area may feel tender or sore during this time frame.

In rare cases, laser lipo can cause nerve damage or scarring of the treated areas. To reduce these risks, it's important to find a qualified provider who knows how to perform the procedure safely and effectively.

How to Prepare for Laser Lipo Treatment

To ensure the best possible treatment experience, it's important to prepare beforehand. Here are some tips for preparing for a laser lipo session:

1. Schedule a Consultation with Your Provider: During the appointment, review any potential risks and discuss the results you can expect from your treatment. This will help you decide if laser lipo is right for you and answer any questions you may have prior to undergoing the treatment.

2. Follow Dietary Guidelines: The day before your treatment, stick to light meals that are low in fat and easy on your digestive system. Avoid drinking alcohol or caffeine in the 24 hours before your session as they can make you more sensitive to pain and increase the chance of complications or side effects.

3. Get Plenty of Rest: Make sure that you get plenty of rest both the night before and after your appointment to ensure a proper recovery period and optimal results from the procedure.

4. Wear Comfortable Clothes: On the day of your appointment, wear loose-fitting clothing that won't interfere with movement or restrict circulation, especially in areas where treatment is taking place. This will help make sure that you stay comfortable throughout the entire session.

5. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water both before and after your appointment to help flush away the fatty acids released during your laser lipo treatment.


Laser lipo is an excellent option for those who want to target specific areas of their body and reduce stubborn fat without the need for surgery. It's a safe, non-invasive procedure that can be used in combination with other treatments such as diet and exercise to achieve optimal results. If you are considering laser lipo, it's important to discuss your goals with a qualified provider like The Lumen Center before proceeding so they can create a treatment plan tailored specifically for you.

With proper care and maintenance after each session, patients can expect long-term benefits from this body sculpting procedure.