Brooke Muinos
(Photo : Brooke Muinos)

I'll never forget the first time I noticed the static wrinkle that runs straight across my forehead and the nasolabial folds that became more noticeable. I told myself I would get fillers for it one day. Fast forward to years later, and guess what? I still haven't tried fillers or Botox, and the wrinkle is still there. Paying up to $500 every three months for injections isn't a commitment I'm ready to make just yet, so bring on the at-home skincare tools! That's when I stumbled upon Korabeauticals Microneedling - a device that intrigued me with its basic science behind it. Wounding the skin, stimulating collagen production, and ultimately tightening and rejuvenating the skin seemed logical and promising. So, I decided to embark on a six-month-long trial with the Korabeauticals V2 Microneedling device. In this article, I'll share my experience and provide insights into the results, the required consistency, and whether it's truly worth it.

Unleashing the Power of Korabeauticals V2 Microneedling:

If you're new to the world of microneedling, let me introduce you to my secret weapon: the Korabeauticals V2. It's the ultimate game-changer for anyone looking to dive into at-home microneedling. This little device creates tiny channels in your skin, triggering the production of collagen and elastin. Translation? Say hello to firmer, radiant, and healthier-looking skin. But here's the burning question: how long does it take to see these glorious results?

Results and Rock-Solid Consistency:

For the past four months, I've been faithfully using the Korabeauticals device once every two weeks, just like they recommend. I tackled my face with a 1.5mm needle, except for my forehead and under-eye area, where I dialed it down to 0.5mm. Now, let's be real-I won't claim I turned into a supermodel overnight. The changes have been subtle but oh-so-promising! My lower face has been the star of the show, looking more lifted and chiseled. I don't even need a side-by-side photo to see the difference. But here's the deal: you gotta stick to it, babe. Randomly rolling this device on your face won't work wonders. Patience and commitment to the recommended usage frequency are the name of the game. Trust me, the real results will show up fashionably late-weeks or even months after your treatments.

Pic: Brooke Muinos

Are the Results Here to Stay?

Listen up, lovelies. I wish I could promise you a lifetime of eternal youth, but that would be pushing it. Aging, gravity, and other villains will keep doing their thing. However, the Korabeauticals Microneedling device supercharges your body's collagen production, leaving you with skin that's plumper and more resilient. To keep those results in check, you gotta keep using the device at least once a month. Remember, consistency is the key to unlocking that gorgeous skin. Stick with it like your favorite guilty pleasure TV show, and you'll reap the rewards.

To Serum or Not to Serum?

Ah, the burning question. Can you use this baby without a serum? Well, technically, you can. But here's the thing: I highly recommend incorporating a 100% pure Hyaluronic Acid (HA) serum into your routine. Trust me, your skin will thank you. Without a serum, you might experience some dryness during the session, and we don't want that, honey. A pure HA serum not only keeps your skin optimally moisturized but also boosts absorption and nourishment. Any brand of pure HA serum will do the trick, as long as it meets the purity criteria.

Korabeauticals V2 Microneedling: Is It Worth the Hype?

Now, here's the million-dollar question: is Korabeauticals V2 Microneedling worth every penny? If you've got around $150 to spare, then girl, you better believe it! And if not, don't be afraid to take the plunge and get creative with your budget. Trust me, I've thrown my hard-earned cash at countless devices like Nuface, tripollar stop, and LED masks, only to be left disappointed. But this little gadget right here? It's a game-changer.

Unlike those fancy devices that promise the world but deliver zilch, Korabeauticals Microneedling makes sense. Just try it on an old scar, and you'll see the magic firsthand. After a couple of months, that scar will fade away or become virtually invisible. It's like your body's own superhero power to regenerate new collagen. So, before you consider splurging on pricey procedures like Botox or fillers, why not give Korabeauticals V2 Microneedling a whirl? Trust me, you'll be kicking yourself for not trying it sooner. Get ready to say hello to improved skin texture, firmness, and an overall radiant appearance.

In conclusion, my six-month-long affair with the Korabeauticals Microneedling device has been nothing short of a rollercoaster ride. Subtle but promising changes have brought my face back to life. Remember, patience is the name of the game with microneedling. Real results take time, just like finding the perfect pair of jeans. So, buckle up and embark on your own microneedling adventure with Korabeauticals V2. Trust me, you won't regret it. Cheers to fabulous, glowing skin!