Science contains numerous instances of zeroes representing the absence of qualities like mass or charge. Absolute zero, the coldest temperature possible, challenges relative hot and cold concepts.

According to New Scientist's report, researchers today have ventured to achieve absolute zero using quantum fridge stored in university physics departments. The pursuit of extreme cold has revealed intriguing phenomena like matter flowing uphill and the creation of designer materials. But what is absolute zero in simpler terms?

Curious Case of Absolute Zero: Unraveling the Enigma of the Coldest Temperature
(Photo : Unsplash/Raisa Milova)
Curious Case of Absolute Zero: Unraveling the Enigma of the Coldest Temperature

Absolute Zero Explained in Simple Words

Absolute zero, the point of the coldest possible temperature, is not represented as zero on common temperature scales. As per NBC News, it corresponds to -273.15 degrees Celsius or -459.67 degrees Fahrenheit.

To comprehend absolute zero, it is essential to grasp the concept of temperature, which measures the speed of atoms or molecules in a substance, specifically their average kinetic energy. Visualize it as a game of atomic dodgeball, where countless tiny impacts translate into what we perceive as temperature.

In this game, fast-moving atoms hit with greater force, giving the sensation of higher temperatures. When a hot object meets a cold one, the faster, hotter atoms impart some velocity to the slower, colder ones, causing the hot object to cool down while the cool object warms up.

Absolute zero represents the moment when particles in a substance are virtually motionless, and there is no way to slow them down further, setting an unattainable lower temperature limit.

Although at absolute zero, atoms still exhibit some wobbling due to quantum physics, they never stop moving entirely. Electrons, protons, and neutrons within each atom remain active, regardless of how cold it becomes.

The concept of absolute zero was first discerned by Guillaume Amontons in 1702 through experiments relating air pressure to temperature, leading him to deduce a minimum temperature at which pressure vanishes, estimating it to be around -240 degrees Celsius, remarkably close to the actual value.

Later, in 1848, Lord Kelvin further developed the concept by establishing the Kelvin (K) scale, where absolute zero is marked as 0, eliminating the inconvenience of negative numbers in temperature measurements. Presently, physicists rely on the Kelvin scale to explore the fascinating realms of extreme cold, where matter behaves in peculiar and extraordinary ways, leading to significant scientific discoveries.

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How Does Matter Behaves in Absolute Zero

As NBC News reported, ultra-cold atoms are fascinating to observe due to their potentially beneficial properties. As they approach absolute zero, these atoms merge into an unusual state of matter known as a Bose-Einstein condensate, losing their individual identities.

Researchers envision practical applications such as enhancing satellite navigation and testing fundamental physics theories or simulating the early universe using these condensates.

Moreover, manipulating chemical reactions becomes feasible near absolute zero, enabling extraordinary experiments. Harvard chemist Kang-Kuen Ni recently achieved the smallest chemistry experiment by directly assembling a molecule from two low-temperature, slow-moving atoms. These conditions reveal the subtle effects of quantum physics, where the wave nature of atoms and molecules becomes observable.

The prospects of absolute-zero experiments extend to exploring uncharted territories in chemistry and designing novel molecules. Precision sensors, clocks, and potentially revolutionary quantum computers are among the likely applications in this burgeoning field of ultra-cold research. In this realm, it seems the bottom is the limit for discovery and technological advancement.

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