(Photo : Pixabay / Ksallen010 )

The appearance of odd aerial objects in the sky are typically observed in the American landscape. However, recent shots of two UFOs show that they made their appearance over Stockport.

UFOs Spotted From Woman's Stockport Garden

The two odd UFOs were spotted by a woman in Stockport. The woman, who did not want to be identified, described the two unidentified flying objects (UFOs) that she saw from her garden all the way in Stockport.

The first one was described to look like a triangle or square. Its appearance was quite hazy and it appeared to have an altering shape while it darted through the sky. The woman explained that this one appeared so strange as it looked like it consisted of metal and had a dark hole at its core.

The second object had a significantly brighter white color. Interestingly, it also had a Tic-Tac shape. This object kept on vanishing and then reappearing again.

The two objects were spotted on different nights during the first week of October. The sightings left the woman feeling quite concerned.

Mysterious UFO Sightings

According to Nick Pope, a UFO expert who used to work with the Ministry of Defense of the UK, explains that the shots and their backstory are quite fascinating. However, Pope was not able to identify the aerial phenomena, noting how discerning the objects from the photos alone is not possible. Pope adds that the sighting of the Tic-Tac-looking object with unusual activity is quite intriguing given the sightings of the US Navy.

Philip Mantle, a British UFO researcher, explains that the objects could possibly be conventional items, like drones or other similar devices. He notes that he fails to see any reason why the images do not point to something conventional, adding that they have poor quality.

According to the committee of the Defense and Security Media Advisory (DSMA), the matter is covered by the UK Space Command.

ALSO READ: World's UFO Hotspots? Pentagon Chief Reveals That Mysterious Objects Have Been Sighted Around the World

Ongoing UFO Mysteries

In general, an unidentified flying object (UFO) is not immediately linked to extraterrestrial sources.

According to a recent document from the Pentagon, a typical UFO is round and usually orb-like or spherical. UFOs are also typically silver or white. Details regarding UFOs, or UAPs (unidentified aerial phenomena), can be found in the website of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO).

According to the AARO, the majority of UFOs have been spotted at around 20,000-feet altitudes. Around 10% of these objects have been reportedly observed at a 5,000-feet altitude.

When it comes to shape, around 47% of them have been labeled spherical, round, or orb-like, while just 1% have been found to be Tic-Tac-shaped. Other shapes of UFOs are oval, rectangular, triangular, cylindrical, disk, square, and polygonal. Around 19% of these objects have an ambiguous appearance and shape.

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