Odd blue dogs were found last 2021 close to a chemical plant within Dzerzhinsk city. The plant was already abandoned. With this, people were quite worried about how these dogs could have been potentially exposed to toxic chemicals and may have suffered because of this exposure.

Blue Dogs Found Near Chemical Plant

The chemical plant facility was reportedly used for the production of hydrocyanic acid and plexiglass. Despite closing a few years prior in 2015, there were still buildings that had chemicals, including copper sulfate. The dogs that frequently roamed around the area could have rolled around the chemicals, leading them to become blue.

With this, authorities negotiated with Orgsteklo petrochemical company in order to receive permission to go inside the abandoned grounds. Later on, seven dogs were brought to Zoozachita-NN vet hospital to be examined.

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Not a Health Issue

According to animal experts, they did not have any reason to see how the bluish hue coating the dogs could negatively affect their health. Vladimir Groisman, the director of the vet center, explained that they were able to conduct initial analysis on the dogs. General blood and fecal analysis revealed that the dogs all had normal levels. This was also the case for their biochemistry.

Earlier, Groisman said that the dogs may have hidden from the cold and that chemical residues could have stained their fur. He did not think that the dogs were painted after being caught, further noting that the dogs were alert and well-fed.

However, with this event, the Humane Society International welfare group raised concerns regarding the conditions of the dogs and urged authorities to conduct vaccination and sterilization programs in order to protect stray dog welfare.

Green Dogs Also Spotted

Aside from this odd case of blue case, there was also another peculiar case involving dogs with green fur. Several green-furred dogs were also observed to roam around the industrial town of Podolsk. For this specific case, the dogs were spotted close to an abandoned warehouse that stored sacks of green paint powder.

However, there were some social media users that suspected that these dogs could have been intentionally painted green.

The dogs were also examined by the vets, who saw that the dogs were quite friendly and healthy despite the reason behind the green fur not being conclusive yet. Nevertheless, the case stresses how chemical pollution poses risks.

Chemical Pollution

Chemical pollution generally refers to the increase or presence of chemical pollutants in the environment. These chemical pollutants are not naturally present or may exceed quantities beyond their normal values.

Several environment-polluting chemicals are actually caused by humans. These result from different activities where the chemicals are used for different reasons.

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