A mother gorilla cradles her juvenile
(Photo : 2H Media on Unsplash)

Seeing mountain gorillas in the wild tops the bucket list of most travelers who visit Africa.  Today, mountain gorillas stand as a symbol of Rwanda's rich biodiversity, attracting tourists from around the globe. A pivotal experience for any visitor to Rwanda is gorilla trekking in Volcanoes National Park, an endeavor embraced by prominent individuals who contribute to the awareness of gorilla conservation and showcase the country's commitment to safety and cleanliness.

It has become customary for notable figures visiting Rwanda to spend at least a day with the mountain gorillas in Volcanoes National Park. This tradition not only promotes gorilla conservation but also highlights Rwanda's dedication to maintaining a safe and pristine environment. Among various conservation initiatives, gorilla trekking remains the most popular, serving as a catalyst for raising awareness.

Mountain gorillas are among Africa's most endangered species, thriving exclusively within their natural habitat. Rwanda's annual Kwita Izina, a celebrated baby gorilla naming ceremony, plays a crucial role in fostering awareness. The success of Rwanda's conservation efforts is evident as, within two decades, the mountain gorilla population has surged from 480 in 2010 to over 1060 in 2024.

In addition to Kwita Izina, Rwanda has implemented various measures to safeguard the conservation of the endangered mountain gorillas. Notable initiatives include the rehabilitation of former poachers, with the last recorded incident of mountain gorilla poaching dating back to 2002. Ongoing gorilla conservation research, conducted in collaboration with partners such as the Ellen DeGeneres Campus of the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund, further reinforces Rwanda's commitment to protecting these majestic creatures.

Gorilla Gram

In September 2022, Rwanda launched a groundbreaking conservation effort named "Gorilla Gram." This initiative, utilizing Instagram as a powerful tool, encourages visitors to Volcanoes National Park Rwanda to share photographs of the gorillas they encounter during their trek. These photos are then categorized into their respective families, allowing prospective visitors to identify different members based on the experiences of former tourists.

Gorilla Gram not only raises awareness about habituated gorilla families in Volcanoes National Park but also facilitates crucial research and protection efforts. Conservation teams in Rwanda utilize shared photos to monitor the well-being of mountain gorillas, gaining valuable insights through the eyes of visitors. This innovative approach combines tourism, technology, and conservation to create a unique and impactful strategy for safeguarding mountain gorillas.

Gorilla Gram enables followers and visitors to engage in real-time with rangers and researchers. Their contributions play a pivotal role in protecting the twelve habituated gorilla families open for tourism within the Volcanoes National Park. This direct engagement fosters a sense of shared responsibility, encouraging more people to actively participate in gorilla trekking and contribute to the success of mountain gorilla conservation.

The success of mountain gorilla conservation is intertwined with the financial support generated through gorilla trekking. A gorilla permit costs US$1500 for a one-hour interaction with the gorilla family, and every year, thousands of tourists go on gorilla safaris in Rwanda. Gorilla Gram serves as a complementary platform, leveraging the power of social media to enhance the funds available for conservation efforts further.

Gorilla Gram stands as a pioneering conservation initiative that not only raises awareness about the threats facing mountain gorillas but also inspires a global community to participate actively in their protection. Through the integration of Instagram, Rwanda has successfully created a bridge between tourism, technology, and conservation, ensuring the continued survival and thriving population of mountain gorillas in their natural habitat.

According to Visit Rwanda, Gorilla Gram offers something that is more than visitors meeting the mountain gorillas. The innovative tool offers the chance for visitors to play an active role in the conservation of the endangered apes in Rwanda's Volcanoes National Park by sharing experiences.

In addition to that, with Gorilla Gram, it is now possible to differentiate all of Rwanda's habituated gorilla families from those of Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo by simply visiting an Instagram page where all the memories of the former trekkers are shared.

In September 2024, Gorilla Gram will be celebrating their second-year anniversary. It will be two complete years of curated gorilla trekking experiences in Rwanda from people from all over the globe. With this new program, the posts made on Instagram can help more in garnering new followers and thus enhance the conservation of the endangered mountain gorillas that are as low as just 1000 individuals left in the whole world.