(Photo : FixTheHeight)

Limb lengthening surgery is often considered for people who have a genuine desire to increase their limb length and possess certain criteria that qualify them for the operation. While each case is different, the following are some broad parameters that may indicate limb lengthening suitability:

Individuals who have a large leg length disparity, in which one leg is significantly shorter than the other, may be suitable candidates for limb lengthening. The technique can assist in correcting the imbalance and improving overall body symmetry.

Individuals with a height disparity due to short stature might pursue limb lengthening to raise their overall height. It's critical to have reasonable expectations and comprehend the procedure's potential hazards and advantages.

Skeletal Maturity: Limb lengthening is normally indicated for people who have reached skeletal maturity, which is roughly 15–16 years old for girls and 17–18 years old for boys. This guarantees that the growth plates have closed, which reduces the chance of issues interfering with natural bone growth.

Candidates for limb lengthening should be in good general health in order to tolerate the surgical treatment, go through the rehabilitation phase, and manage any potential issues that may emerge. A complete medical examination will be performed to determine the candidate's health status and fitness for the treatment.

Motivation and Commitment: Limb lengthening surgery is a time-consuming and rigorous procedure that necessitates a major commitment on the part of the patient and their support system. Candidates must be motivated, psychologically prepared, and willing to follow post-operative care instructions, physical therapy, and follow-up appointments.

To determine individual candidature, speak with an expert orthopaedic surgeon who specialises in limb lengthening surgery. To evaluate if limb lengthening is a viable choice, the surgeon will consider several aspects, including medical history, physical examination, imaging testing, and personal goals.

Remember that every case is different, and the decision to undertake limb lengthening should be made after careful consideration, discussion with the medical team, and a complete understanding of the potential risks and advantages involved.

How active can you be after having your limbs lengthened?

After limb lengthening surgery, you can generally maintain a certain level of activity, but the specific activities you can engage in may depend on factors such as the type of lengthening procedure, the stage of the lengthening process, the individual's healing progress, and the medical team's recommendations. Here are some general thoughts:

Physical therapy is an important part of the rehabilitation process after limb lengthening. It aids in the strengthening of muscles, the improvement of range of motion, and the enhancement of functional capacities. Physical therapy sessions are usually tailored to your specific requirements and abilities.

Weight-Bearing and Mobility: The ability to bear weight and move the limb varies during the limb lengthening surgery. At first, weight-bearing may be restricted or aided by devices such as crutches or walkers. Under the supervision of the medical team, you may progressively increase weight-bearing and regain mobility as your healing continues.

Low-impact sports, such as swimming, stationary bike, or mild walking, may be appropriate during the lengthening phase. These activities aid in the maintenance of cardiovascular fitness and overall well-being without putting undue strain on the extended leg.

Restrictions on High-Impact or Contact Sports: During the lengthening process, engaging in high-impact or contact sports that entail running, jumping, or potential collisions may be prohibited to preserve the healing bone and reduce the chance of injury or problems. The medical team will advise you on which activities to avoid or modify.

Return to Regular Activities Gradually: As the bone consolidates and the lengthening process nears completion, you can gradually resume your regular activities, including sports and recreational interests. The medical team will choose the time and progression of returning to certain activities based on individual healing progress.

It is critical to follow the medical team's advice and rules for activity limits, weight-bearing, and physical rehabilitation. The emphasis should be on maintaining a balanced approach that supports healing while allowing you to remain physically active within the constraints imposed by your unique situation.

Regular communication with the medical team, following post-operative care instructions, and thorough monitoring of any changes or concerns are critical for children undergoing limb lengthening to ensure a safe and complete recovery.

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