Artificial intelligence has been transforming various aspects of modern life, from transportation to healthcare, and from education to entertainment. However, this technology has sparked fears and security concerns in recent years. These risks are associated with a wide variety of factors which need to be addressed.

Risks in Using Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence systems are prone to improper or malicious designs, development, deployment, and use. These could pose risks that can undercut the protection, promotion, and enjoyment of human rights and basic freedoms.

AI has been used by scammers to steal personal data and money from people. It has also been used to impersonate family members on the phone by leading their relatives to believe that they are in trouble and need money immediately before scamming them out of thousands of dollars.

Aside from this, artificial intelligence has been used to create deep fake photos and videos of celebrities and average people. Since much of the violations happen through complex algorithms, it can be difficult to hold actors accountable for any harm they caused.

READ ALSO: Expert Warns AI Technology Can Reshape Society at Our Disadvantage As It Can't Be 'Safely Controlled'

Making AI Safe and Secure

On March 21, the United Nations General Assembly unanimously approved the first global resolution on artificial intelligence. It aims to encourage countries to protect human rights, protect personal data, and monitor AI for security risks.

The adopted resolution will take advantage of the opportunities of safe, secure, and trustworthy AI systems for sustainable development. It also provides global support to an international effort that ensures that the new technology benefits all nations and respects human rights.

The resolution was sponsored by the US and co-sponsored by 123 countries. It was adopted by consensus with a bang of the gavel and without a vote, which means that it got the support of all 193 UN member nations.

According to US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, the adoption of the resolution would be a historic step forward in ensuring the safe use of artificial intelligence. It is expected to represent global support for a baseline set of principles for the development and use of artificial intelligence. It would also lay out a path to strengthen AI systems for good while managing the safety and security risks.

The US collaborated with over 120 countries, including China, Russia, and Cuba, over several months to negotiate the text. After voting, ambassadors from Japan, Morocco, Bahamas, the Netherlands, Singapore and the UK joined the US ambassador at a news conference to support the resolution as an important step for all nations.

The decision to make the resolution comes after artificial intelligence faced scrutiny from top tech executives who painted a 'world-on-fire' scenario. Many people also warned that AI machines could take over and lead to an 'extinction level' event. Major tech companies have supported the need to regulate AI systems, while lobbying to ensure any rules work in their favor.

On March 13, European Union lawmakers gave final approval to the world's first comprehensive AI rules. These policies are on track to take effect by May or June after the final formalities. The resolution from the UN takes note of other UN efforts, like those from the International Telecommunication Union and Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, to make sure that artificial intelligence is used to benefit the world.

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