Concerned about your sweat and body odor even after apply a perfume?

Well here is a solution for you. Researchers in Britain have developed a perfume that smells better with sweat and reduces body odor. 

Scientists at Queen's University Belfast, Ireland have invented a perfume that gives out more fragrance when it is exposed to moistures like sweat. The perfume developed is triggered by the neutral water and travels through salt in the form of liquid.

The Queen's University Ionic Liquid Laboratories (QUILL) said "The perfumed ionic liquid releases its aroma when it comes into contact with water, allowing more of the perfume's scent to be released onto a person's skin."

The working of this perfume is quite interesting. Actually, it is an odourless liquid. However, when it encounters moisture it emits fragrance. Another speciality of this perfume is that it attracts thoil particles. Thiol particles are the one responsible for bad odor in sweat.

 "The thiol compounds that are responsible for the malodour of sweat are attracted to the ionic liquid, attaching themselves to it and losing their potency," the scientists quoted.

Nimal Gunaratne, the project leader said in a statement, "Not only does it have great commercial potential and could be used in perfumes and cosmetic creams, but it could also be used in other areas of science, such as the slow release of certain substances of interest,"

Presently, the researchers are busy commercializing the product and are working with a perfume-based company to identify product ideas based to their development.