While earlier studies suggest that drinking coffee excessively could place an individual at risk of Alzheimer's disease, still, this does not stop people from taking their coffee breaks and, yes, coffee also offers benefits, especially if you drink the right amount.

According to a research published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, people who drink excessive amounts of coffee are at risk of suffering from "mild cognitive impairment," a risk factor for Alzheimer's or dementia. Nevertheless, light to moderate coffee drinkers need not worry. In fact, they can reap the benefits of drinking coffee. For the obese, a cup of sugar-free coffee only contains 2 calories-virtually negligible compared to sugar-rich energy drinks and sodas that people nowadays prefer better. 

Coffee is also rich in antioxidants, which helps fight different diseases. According to a team of researchers from the University of California in Los Angeles, coffee slows the development of type 2 diabetes, although, it increases the amount of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG).

And there's more. Coffee was also found to help prevent if not stop Parkinson's disease, a study from the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Center can confirm. According to their findings, there is a significant evidence to back up their claims about drinking the right amount of coffee and the potentials of arresting the development of Parkinson's.

For the internal organ, particularly the liver, coffee works well in fighting liver cancer and preventing liver diseases. Also, it cuts the chances of developing liver cirrhosis by up to 22 percent, particularly those who are alcoholics.

Studies also suggest that coffee is beneficial for the heart. Moderate coffee consumption on a daily basis reduces an individual's risk of heart failure by up to 11 percent.