The treatment known as cryotheraphy is now under investigation following the incident of an employee in a Las Vegas-based spa last month where the body was found dead in the cryotherapy machine chamber. Last Tuesday, the chief medical officer of Nevada said that the investigation of the complaints would be carried out by the Bureau of Health Care Quality and Compliance, while determining the safety of the procedure will be the state health department's responsibility.

Dr Tracey Green, on the other hand, suggested that education, regulation, scope of work agreement and licensure should be put forward. "Education will be very important because there are many alternative services in many areas of medicine, science, health, nutrition and beauty. We need to be conscious consumers," she said.

Since this venture is still fresh in the industry, any terms and conditions to be laid on the line will be few of the first regulations in the world of cryotherapy. In other states, management of cryotherapy varies. For instance, in Colorado, its Department of Regulatory Agencies designates this procedure under a medical category, thus requiring a doctor's attention.

Cryotherapy is a procedure where an individual is to enter a cold chamber with temperatures ranging between negative-166 to negative-319 degrees Fahrenheit for two to four minutes. The coldest temperature recorded on Earth was negative-128 degrees Fahrenheit. Reported uses include hastening pain and inflammation, aiding in blood flow and weight loss, and improving skin.

With this at hand, researchers cannot assure the cryotherapy's impact on health, as further research should be sought. "Technology is moving at such a rapid pace, but it often takes time for scientific studies to be completed," Joseph Costello said, researcher from the University of Portsmouth.

Meanwhile, state and federal officials in the USA are still trying to puzzle out how to and who should control the industry. However, the FDA in a statement made clear that any machines with medical claims would be regulated.

CryoUSA founder Eric Rauscher said the company trains buyers and implements specific rules. "We tell them 'let's not use words like treatment and procedures - these are sessions. These aren't your patients, they are clients." He further claimed that they void warranties when their customers are caught advertising otherwise.