With a bunch of holidays coming the way, how can people possibly resist the delicious served foods? Well, recent report suggests that gut bacteria are likely the boss. Researchers claimed that these microbes send signal to the brain to let people stop eating when they themselves are full.

Study published in Cell Press claimed that after a roughly 20-minute meal, a certain protein is released by common human gut bacteria Escherichia coli that suppress appetite response in the brain. A single body is home to an estimated 100 trillion bacteria, and almost three-quarters of which stay in the digestive system. However, these bacteria including E. Coli are no here for trouble as many are benign, and some are believed to be essential, particularly in processing nutrients and warding off infection.

Rouen University's Professor Sergueï O. Fetissov together with his team explored the bacterial protein known as ClpB. They conducted a comparative study where they measured the bacteria levels before and after eating. "Our study shows that bacterial proteins from E coli can be involved in the same molecular pathways that are used by the body to signal satiety, and now we need to know how an altered gut microbiome can affect this physiology," Fetissov said.

Results revealed that after the estimated 20-minute meal time, the number of E. Coli doubled as much of the ClpB protein before eating. Live Science reported that this shows a favorable consistency with human behavior aware that the allocated time is the usual for people to start feeling full.

"We now think bacteria physiologically participate in appetite regulation immediately after nutrient provision by multiplying and stimulating the release of satiety hormones from the gut," Fetissov said. "In addition, we believe gut microbiota produce proteins that can be present in the blood longer term and modulate pathways in the brain."

Because E. Coli only accounts for 1 percent of the total bacteria in the digestive system, the team is looking forward for some other bacteria involved in several molecular pathways. The researchers will continue exploring bacterial mechanism particularly on obese people and binge eaters. "And if we find some involvement, I hope we can also treat these conditions," Fetissov said.