Over the past few years, the gluten-free diet had garnered worldwide attention as it is believed to help people with gluten sensitivity. However, this particular form of diet is only recommended for people who are diagnosed with gluten-related problems to avoid any unwanted damage to the body.

Gluten is present in grains such as wheat, barley and flour. It is the substance that makes the bread chewy; it is also the only completely indigestible food protein. For people who are diagnosed with celiac disease, the presence of gluten inside the body will not only irritate the lining of the small intestine it will also make the immune system attack the intestinal villi.

Once the intestinal villi is destroyed, the body can no longer absorb enough nutrients from food. This is where the gluten-free diet comes in to help. This particular diet is recommended to those diagnosed people because it is a plan that excludes all sorts of food that have harmful grain component in it.

Some of the foods that can be found in the gluten-free diet are unprocessed beans and nuts, fresh eggs, meats that are not marinated or battered, fruits and dairy products. Not all grains are bad for the diagnosed people though; some like quinoa and rice are foods that can be consumed by gluten-sensitive people.

Meanwhile, there are also foods that must be first confirmed whether they are gluten-free or not before people with the disease can consume them. Foods like cakes, French fries, cereals and processed meat can harm patients with celiac disease if they are not gluten free.

According to Lori Chong, a registered dietitian, it is important to know whether the food is gluten-free or not since grains like barley and wheat contain oligosaccharides that can be quickly fermented by intestinal bacteria. One the bacteria got these fermented, the process can cause bloating, cramping and diarrhea. She also stated that it is very important for people with celiac disease and gluten sensitivity to follow this diet since this can be the only treatment for their condition.