Wine is proven to lower the risk of myocardial infarction but it was also linked to a small risk in cancer in general. The benefits of wine are achieved through moderate drinking one drink per day for women and two for men.

According to Consumer Reports, the relationship between moderate alcohol intake and decreased risk of myocardial infarction or heart attack was studied. The research has been conducted in a well-designed observational trial for almost 30 years, said by Kenneth Mukamal, M.D., M.P.H a medicine professor at Harvard Medical School.

One study from 2003 have revealed that men who are moderate drinkers are less likely to have a heart attack compared no non-drinkers in percentages of 30 to 35.  Mukamal further explained that moderate alcohol consumption affects the blood thinner cells (platelets) and raises the levels of good cholesterol (High Density Lipoprotein) that prevents heart attack.

As supported by Telegraph, drinking six alcoholic drinks a week will not increase the risk for heart attack and stroke. Moderate alcohol intake improves blood flow, bloods vessel's function, and reduces clotting. Alcohol can only become a "cardio-risk" when its will be taken heavily wherein, counter effects are experienced such as; increased blood pressure and sticky platelets.  

However, one study in 2015 has linked alcohol consumption to risk of having cancer. The published work stated that compared to non-drinkers, people who consumes alcohol are 2 to 6 percent at risk of cancer. The cancer risk of alcohol intake is evidently stronger mainly on breast cancer.

A woman who drinks one-third to one glass of wine per day has 13 percent increased risk predisposing breast cancer. The suspects behind this idea are the substances that are produced when alcohol is metabolized inside the body. Acetaldehyde, one of the metabolites of alcohol, is considered as a carcinogen, as stated by Yin Cao, Sc.D. a medicine instructor at Harvard, Massachusetts and author of the said study.

Furthermore, Cao also stated that breast could be sensitive to alcohol than other body organs. Alcohol also increases the amount of female hormone called estrogen which is also associated to some stages of breast cancer.

On the other hand, most wine products have undergone fermentation and thus, it is good for digestion and in maintaining healthy and clean gut because of its enzyme content. Red wine specifically has an antioxidant content that helps fight free radicals in skin and liver.