Electric Cars Charging

With So Many Car Companies Now Leaning Towards Producing Electric Cars, Have We Hit Peak Fuel Efficiency?

In the traditional days, fuel was what we used for cars to be able to run efficiently. Manufacturers of cars worked hard to produce vehicles that gave great gas mileage and people would learn best practices on driving to save fuel. Nowadays, companies are looking to build electric cars that require electricity or a battery recharge versus needing fuel. In this article we will look at the two different options and see if we have hit peak fuel efficiency.
B-TENG Device: Tiny Wind Turbine Harvets Energy From a Breeze

Small Wind Turbine Can Someday Power Electronic Devices

Chinese scientists develop a tiny wind turbine that can harvest energy from a light breeze. The developers hope that someday it can be used to power electronic devices, provide electricity for communities where energy is scarce, and even compete with traditional wind turbines.
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