ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATERescuers in Chiang Mai, Thailand, saved a massive Mekong River catfish trapped in a flooded train station following severe seasonal rainfall that caused the Ping River to overflow.
This article examines the ways in which sustainability consulting firms offer customized solutions to assist businesses in decarbonizing while addressing the particular challenges particular to their industry.
A team of citizen scientists, including a tugboat captain and recreational divers, has uncovered a series of underwater caves off Sicily, revealing evidence of human occupation dating back 17,000 years.
A tiny parasitic wasp helped protect the endangered Wilkins' bunting on Nightingale Island by eliminating an invasive scale insect that threatened the island's native tree.
A new study reveals that Antarctica’s warming climate has spurred a tenfold increase in green vegetation on the Antarctic Peninsula over the past four decades.
Archaeologists have discovered the 4,000-year-old tomb of an ancient Egyptian governor's daughter, "Idi," containing two intact, intricately inscribed coffins.
A 2-billion-year-old rock unearthed in South Africa has revealed the oldest living microbes ever discovered, thriving within a sealed fracture since the rock's formation.
How do Petrochemical Plants Work? What is their impact on the Economy and Environment? Read On! (Photo : tasukaran from Pixabay) The Science and Industry Behind Petrochemical Plants Petrochemical plants play a vital role in the global oil and gas industry, transforming raw materials like natural gas liquids and crude oil into essential products that power modern economies.
It's a barely tapped resource that could be a valuable alternative water supply. (Photo : Bishnu Sarangi from Pixabay) Brackish water, a mix of fresh water and saltwater, can be found in coastal regions and aquifers across the world.
Ecoroots, a rising company known for its innovative approach, emerges as a leader in addressing these pressing issues and championing truly sustainable solutions. Ecoroots is a pioneer in developing sustainable materials with mycelium, leveraging cutting-edge research and cultivation techniques to create biodegradable, non-toxic, and renewable alternatives to traditional plastics/polystyrene, packaging, and insulation.