Blue Green and Red Dragon Ornament

What An Aura is and How it Affects Your Life

An aura is an energy field that surrounds the body, extending 3 to 4 feet in all directions. Along with its vibrant colors, this energy field contains physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual information about a person that can be observed and interpreted. Some people can see the auras of others; this is known as "clairvoyance."

The Significance of the American Hospital Association to the Healthcare Industry

The American Hospital Association (AHA) is a trade organization that was established to help increase the quality of healthcare by creating and preserving quality standards. With collaboration among member hospitals, AHA evaluates hospital performance through various surveys and studies. They also develop guidelines and procedures for providing better care for all patients.
Photo by ANIRUDH on Unsplash

Why Blood Circulation Matters – A Vital Delivery Service

Poor circulation slows the arrival of blood to our cells and organs. This in turn chokes delivery of vital oxygen and nutrients to tissues. The most serious problem, according to the Cleveland Clinic, arises when cells do not get an adequate supply of oxygen, however.
Photo by Gustavo Fring from Pexels

The Fastest Way to Lose Weight for Women

The key to the quickest method for women to lose weight is to make sure that their daily calorie intake is less than their daily caloric expenditure. Aim for weekly weight loss of between 1 and 3 pounds to maintain weight loss permanently.

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