Brian Wu

Dawn Sends Stunning New Pictures of Ceres

For months now everyone has been waiting to catch a detailed glimpse at the dwarf planet Ceres. Once Dawn entered orbit around Ceres, it spent its first month on the dark side of the dwarf planet sending back no images, of course. Now, however, the wait is over and Dawn has sent back one of the sharpest ever looking images of the previously unexplored world and the images will only get better from here.

Laser Proposed to Blast Away Space Junk

The exploration to space has been paved with litter as missions after mission and satellite after satellite has left much of Earth's orbit as nothing more than a glorified garbage dump. Now, scientists have proposed a new way to deal with the trash problem - blast it.

The Next Time You're Ill, Try Maple Syrup with Your Antibiotics

The overuse of antibiotics has caused the emergence of new resistant strains known as superbugs, which has now led to concern from public health officials across the world. However, a team of researchers from McGill University in Montreal, Canada think that the secret to fighting these bugs may lie in the sap of trees that are abundant across all of North America.

E-Cigarette Users Are Less Likely to Quit Smoking

One of the major selling points for e-cigarettes that has caused an explosion in the market has been the claim that they can help even long-time smokers kick the habit for good. However, in a new study conducted by the University of California School of Medicine, San Diego, people who smoke electronic cigarettes are actually less likely to quit smoking.

Google's New Mobilgeddon Algorithm to Favor Mobile Friendly Sites

Websites around the world are preparing for the worst as Google prepares to change its search algorithm in order to change what is displayed on mobile browsers found on smartphones and tablets. The shift is expected to favor mobile-friendly websites and could potentially drastically alter where we shop and eat.

CDC Releases Alarming News About E-Cigarette Use in Teens

Teenage use of electronic cigarettes has tripled in the last year. This new trend is one that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calls “alarming” as e-cigarettes have now taken the top spot as the most popular tobacco product among teens. According to the CDC, in 2014 2.5 million middle and high school students used e-cigarettes.

Last Male White Rhino in the World Under Heavy Guard

Sudan may appear as if he is just like any other Northern White Rhino, but in fact he is much more than that. Sudan is the last living male Northern White Rhino on the planet and conservationists need his help preventing his species from passing into oblivion. Because of his importance, he is kept under constant watch by armed guards that are there for his protection from poachers.

Breath Test Could Give Clues to Risk of Stomach Cancer

A new simple breath test could help predict whether people with gut problems have a high risk of developing stomach cancer, according to a new study. This new test detects chemical compounds found in people's breath, in an attempt to distinguish "breath prints" in those with risky pre-cancerous changes.

Divorce Linked to an Increased Risk of Heart Disease in Women

The number one cause of death in the United States is coronary heart disease, according to recent statistics. The risk factors that are most often associated with this disease include high blood pressure, smoking and diabetes. And according to a new study, women who have gone through a divorce are more likely to suffer from heart disease.

New Horizon's Sends Back First Color Image of Pluto and Charon

In July, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft will make its closest pass of Pluto, giving us a closer look at a body living in a little known region of our solar system. While it still has millions of miles left to go, New Horizons still has a treat for everyone as it has taken the first ever color image of Pluto and its largest moon, Charon.
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