Chardynne Joy H. Concio

How Cutlery Evolved into a Major Environmental Threat

Plastic eating utensils are everywhere, and most of them are used only once. Billions of forks, knives, and spoons are thrown away each year. But like other plastic items such as bags and bottles-cutlery can take centuries to break down naturally, giving the plastic waste ample time to work its way into the environment.

Siberian Cat is Fitted with Prosthetic Paws After Frostbite

An adorable cat who lost all four of his paws to frostbite has been fitted with a new set of titanium feet. Abandoned tom Ryzhik was out in -40C temperatures in Siberia, causing gangrene which led to him having his paws removed. Normally, injuries like this would result in the cat being put to sleep.
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