Atlantic Ocean

Tide of the Decade Sweeps Across France’s Atlantic Coast, Turning Islets into Islands

How strong are the sun and the moon’s pull on the tides? A lot stronger than you may have ever believed. In what happened to be a perfect trifecta of cosmic events, this Friday’s alignment allowed for a supermoon, a total solar eclipse, and perhaps one of the greatest ocean surges our generation has seen since the turn of the 21st century. In fact, in what happened to be a tourist’s dream, the picturesque Mont Saint Michel Abbey on the coast of France was turned into a island for a brief while as the “tide of the century” submerged the path that leads to its fortified walls.

Amelia Earhart’s Lost Plane May Have Been Found in the South Pacific

Amelia Earhart was the first female of her kind; in fact, she set records for it. As the first female aviator to ever cross the Atlantic Ocean alone, she made the headlines of the 1920’s. And now, almost a century later, she’s still making news as the mystery of her disappearance comes more into light. After decades of searching across the Pacific Ocean, nearest the equator, researchers revealed this week that they may have found a bit of Earhart’s wreckage from the plane she disappeared in.
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